I'm Here (🖤)

824 29 17

Warnings: Angst, but comfort and fluff in the end!

Word Count: 2,278

Four months.

You were all alone, by yourself. Your lover was away for a business meeting, and these even if we're still days, they felt like years. It felt so lonely, and weird knowing someone wasn't there.

He should have been here, but he's actually not.

You come out of the bathroom, all freshened and rubbing your wet hair with a towel. You used to see Tony on your bed, teasing you lovingly, but he wasn't there to do so. You shake all those thoughts away from your head and prepare yourself for breakfast.

You cook some eggs and toast, but you miss the feeling of those warm, strong arms wrapping from behind on your waist, the kisses on your face and neck, jokes and laughs. You can't feel them somehow, because Tony wasn't here.

You even felt awkward eating breakfast by yourself, without having your boyfriend by your side. You sighed, and continued to eat your food.

The lab sure was silent too. No clanking, voices of drilling or holographic sounds, because he wasn't there.

After filling your stomach, you open your phone, and see the contact number of Tony Stark. You wished to call him but, you were scared if he was in middle of a meeting, he will be disturbed. So, you just texted him a "hey ♥️" and then dropped your phone aside, hoping he would pick up your message. But, surprisingly, it came within a matter of seconds. You picked it up, and saw Tony replied back. You smiled and then began to video call him. He picked up, finally seeing each other through the screens.

"Hey, Tones." You give him a hearty smile.

"Hey, honey. How are you?" Tony yawned, stretching himself. It looks like Tony was on his bed this all time.

"Wait, you just woke up?" You asked.

"Mhm, a minutes back, I was just browsing my phone till your message showed up." Tony replied, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, I see. How's the business trip?"

"Pretty well, nothing to be serious of. Incase I get met with some dumbasses who don't know what I'm trying to do."

You giggled. "You know, show that snarky attitude, Stark."

"I guess that works." Tony smiled back. "Did you eat something?"

"Yeah, I had eggs and toast. You should too get up and eat something."

"I don't know what to make, unfortunately." He chuckled.

"Let me send you some there, I have more left."

"Tell JARVIS, he's gonna parcel it to my place so I can have your delicious and beautiful breakfast."

You both laughed and interacted with each other, and went quiet for a while. You shook your head and look back at him, with sad eyes.

"I miss you so much, you know?" You said, trying not to break into tears.

Tony noticed your loneliness, feeling the same. He also missed you too. "Honey, look at me."

"I never wanted to attend this meeting, because I know we each other can't stay away for long. I actually requested them that I'll stay for four months instead of eight cause.. it's more like living in Hell for us." Tony chuckled. "But, I promise. I'll be back, for you."

"You promise?" You pouted, your eyes filling with tears, threatening to fall.

"Promise. When these four months will be over." Tony gives you an assuring smile. "Just remember baby, when you, and your heart feels someone's behind you, it's gonna be me. Just me."

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