Marvel x Call of Duty | Back on the Grid

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This is an Marvel x Call of Duty AU, where the Avengers are superheros - but as soldiers, protecting their country's borders.


This story is based on the mission "Back on the Grid" from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3!

Characters featuring, as how I imagine:

- Steve Rogers as Captain John Price
- Tony Stark as John "Soap" MacTavish
- Thor Odinson as Yuri
- Natasha Romanoff as Nikolai
- Loki Laufeyson/Odinson as Vladimir A. Makarov

(the reason why I made Thor as Yuri because in the game Yuri and Makarov are known to each other as best friends since they were in the Ultranationalists Party, so it quite fits! Y/N will not be here, sorry!

And if you are confused with the story, watch the video to understand better!)


Summary: An unknown package was to be shipped to London and it's up to the remaining TF141 to find out what it is.

Warnings: Cursing, use of guns, knives and mortars, too much shooting, or just.. war scenes.

Word Count: 2,059


A reporter said in the news, "The Russian President never arrived in Hamburg for the peace summit. With his whereabouts currently unknown, no one is certain what this means for the peace treaty.."

Loki was successful in kidnapping the Russian President, it's news spread like wildfire. The TF141 clearly knew what was his new plans and decided to think about the next move to be taken.

"Looks like Loki just played his next hand." Tony stated.

"If he puts himself back on the grid, he wants it to be known." Steve replied, folding his arms as he looks over at the intel.

"So where do we start hunting?" Tony's Scottish accent blurted.

Thor opened the computer with the images of the PRF, an African militia group in Sierra Leone.

"Africa." Thor spoke. "Loki's been using a local paramilitary group to move shipments into Sierra Leone. From there, they go towards Morocco, and into Spain."

"He's moving north." Tony looked over at the connections of the shipments that Loki was taking on.

"Right towards her majesty's doorstep. What's the cargo?" Steve asked Thor.

"I don't know, but it's important to him."

"Then I want it."

"We can use the river to get in close. There's a factory in the camp where they store the shipments." Tony circled the river's location. "The PRF's been waging genocide in the highlands for months. They'll be everywhere."

"Loki wouldn't let this travel lightly if it didn't serve a greater purpose.. and chances are the bastard will be there personally to see things off. If he's back on the grid, then so are we." Steve gets prepped for the mission, as he also commanded his soldiers to be ready as well.

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