Intoxicating | Part 2

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Summary: Part 2 of Intoxicating

Warnings: Humor, and mentions of teasing!

Word Count: 1,008

You open your eyes, seeing yourself laid on the bed. Your head felt being dizzy, maybe because you fell unconscious, but you can't remember it properly anymore.

You just summoned an incubus. But, who were they? You sure heard about them, but never knew who were they actually. Picking up your phone, you typed on the net about these creatures. They were male demons who indulge in sexual activities with women and devour their souls in the process. They also take their spirits by eating their flesh, that's why they were also called as flesh-eating monsters.

You were a little afraid at whatever was been mentioned about the incubi, that you kind of regretted summoning a demon like that because of your curiosity. But, those words always ringed in your head about something he was trying to tell you.

"Shh, don't cry. You're just not used to it yet. I'll treat you better."

Are you sure to trust him? But, overall he was a demon, he could take away your soul any time. Sighing, you get up on your bed, and grab yourself a cup of coffee in the kitchen. You make some and then as soon you began to take a sip, you jumped in surprise, seeing him leaning on the wall, with his arms folded, giving a smirk.

"Hey, human." He winked.

"Wait what? You again?" You said, while in a state of shock.

"Of course? I'll be with you forever, don't you know? We had a deal." He makes you remember the pact you both had together, and you did. But, instead of saying, you just didn't respond anything and continued to drink your beverage. He tilts his head, pretending to be hurt.

"Ouch, I can't believe you ignored me, for real?" He places a hand over his chest.

"Well, since I summoned you unknowingly, and you're an incubi—"

"First of all, we are also known as an incubus. Incubi is just a shortened—." He begins to take a look at the kitchen, while talking to you.

"Yeah, yeah, I know.. I know everything about you. Don't think I don't know anything better. I was searching about them just now when I woke up." You rolled your eyes and turned around, sipping the coffee.

"Ahh, really hm? What did you learn? That we love delicious souls of women like you have?" He cocks an eyerbrow, showing his sassiness abroad.

"You think my soul is delicious? Tch, you will find it tasteless, because it's so emo aha! Take that, dumbass."

"If it's tasteless.. then I can spice it if you want. And you'll enjoy it in every step of the way." He darkens his eyes, a grin forming on his face. For no reason, you immediately blushed again.

"I know you're flustered, Y/N. But don't worry, I know how I can redden you entirely." He walks closer to you, his body almost connecting yours. "Can't wait for that moment to arrive when I'll finally have you.. all by myself~"

"I would never be want to be eaten by you, at all." You stated.

"Oh no, honey. I do eat them, but not all the time."

"What?" You were confused.

"Eating people is another way to directly take their souls. Though, I prefer this option, but for a harmless one.. it's doing make out, where I slowly.. slowly.." He tiptoes his fingers over your arm. "Take a portion of your soul."

"Wouldn't that kill me..?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"It won't, but I guess.. you'll feel weaker and pass out, I guess." He clicked his tongue. "But, yes. You might.. possibly or not.." He shrugs.

You make an annoyed face, and push him off from you. "You know what? I'm not interested in you anyway. Do whatever you want but I—" As you glare at the demon, you suddenly started to feel like blushing. Flushed in emotions and of course, feeling a little hazy. You couldn't guess why it was happening, but it made you fall into his embrace, as he slowly wraps his arms around your back.

"You think it's so easy to evade me, Y/N. But you're wrong. You can never resist me, and neither will." He whispered in your ear, his hand trailing to your hair, rubbing it gently. "Your soul makes me want to drool. Drives me crazy, and I badly want to eat you up." His eyes turn into a shade of black, and he smirks evilly.

"What about.. I take a bite from you right now?" He leans towards your neck, as you're completely helpless to do anything. His mouth was growing way wider, and monstrous. The teeth also sharpened so pointed that it could have easily stabbed your flesh in a second. As soon he begins to take a bite from you, he stops, feeling your current emotion.

Extreme fear. Pain. Suffering.

He just stops, and pulls back away from you, grabbing your shoulders instead. "Well, I won't eat you right now. But, maybe some other time for sure."

"What..?" You said, hazily.

"You'll regain your strength again, it'll wear off. I actually pulled an allure over you so that I can seduce easily." He pursed his lips. "Anyways, I'll have some coffee instead. Can you make some?"

You don't say anything, but look lost when he said that.

"I mean, whatever you humans eat or drink, I would like that. Let me pretend to be like you so that no one would know our true existence." He folds his arms.


"Fine, I'm leaving." He begins to walk away from the kitchen, until you stopped him.

"Wait!" You said, as he turns back, with raising an eyebrow.

"Y-you didn't tell me your name?" You asked, and he chuckled.

"I usually don't have a name. But, maybe you can give me one, if you want?"

You took some minutes to think of a suitable name, till you actually came up with one for real.

"Does Tony sound good?"

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