Red In My Ledger | Part 10

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Summary: Finale of Red In My Ledger

Word Count: 4,596

The two agents began to drive at a destination that you itself don't know where the man was taking you to. But, not really judging his need to do so, you just minded asking one question.

"Where are we going?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You'll see." Tony replied, keeping his focus on the road. You both arrive at a place with many small houses at each sides, and he parks his car on the left. You both step out of the car and then enter the house beside you. Tony extends his fist to knock on the door but stops for a while. You were all confused, so you just didn't also understand why Tony didn't ring the doorbell or knock over it. Little to your knowledge, the door was unlocked already, and Tony took an advantage to step in. You gently also walk inside, closing the door.

Tony takes a look at the interior, it was more of a family one, but it felt like that it was for only one person. Suddenly, he senses something and pushes himself and you away, where a knife stabs through beside the wall. You begin to take your gun out but Tony put a hand over you, to not react with anything. He walks three steps further, before calling out.

"I know you're in here. Come out and show yourself." Tony said, and the tension grew more. You, not sure about what is happening, being completely unaware of the situation. The figure, which was hidden in the darkness, steps out of it's zone, where it comes in the light to reveal a man with blonde hair and a little stubble of the same color. You didn't know him, but it felt like Tony remembers super well.

"After a long time, you're here." The man speaks in his heavy Russian accent.

Tony lightly elevates his head. "Ya opozdal?"

"Vy dumaete, chto net? Dazhe znaya cherez chto nam prishlos' proiyti?" The man walks closer to the agent. Being a Russian too, you were able to understand what they were talking about, but the depth was too unclear.

" nas eto ne razluchilo." Tony gave a serious face, along with the man beside him. But, suddenly it smiles and then laughs while hugs the agent. The moment began more confusing for you again, looking amused now. Tony hugged him back, and have a great reunion with the one he always missed and never forgot.

"It's so good to have you back, Vasili."

"Uhm, care to explain what is happening?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ahem. Since you don't know.." He smiles at the man beside him. "This is my best friend."

"Since childhood." The man continues his line, and grins.

"Wait, you both know each other?" You tilt your head in surprise.

"Of course we do! We both lived and trained together in the KGB, remember?" The man, now who was revealed as Vasili looks at his friend in amazement.

"I'm.. still confused." You rub your hair nervously.

"Chto? Pochemu?" Vasili looks at Tony back in doubt.

"She doesn't know about it, Vasya. I haven't told her about this." Tony mumbles.

Vasili pulls off and folds his arms. "Woah woah woah, wait a minute! For vodka's sake! So you're telling me, she really doesn't know about it?"

"But why would I talk about it when it isn't connected to her itself!"

"Oh, so you think I'm gonna steal your girlfriend when you tell her about me, huh?"

Tony Stark ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora