The Forgotten Story | Part 2

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Note: I would request you to read the series "A Reality" before going through this chapter.

Summary: Part 2 of The Forgotten Story

Warnings: Horror with angst, you're warned.

Word Count: 870


Everything was going so peaceful. Tony had everything back for what he lost, but..

His eyes suddenly open and found himself in a strange world. It was just dead by surrounding and looked like it had no life. There, the wizard felt a bit weird about the area he was on, but he thinks it's a hallucination or someone's trying to trick him. It was a red, eerie atmosphere, and even if you try to find a way out, you're still stuck there. Only he had the blue light for his support, and incase someone plans an attack on immediately, he knows how to handle it.

Tony's POV

I couldn't understand where I had ended upon. I remember being in my house along with mom and dad, but it looked as if I'm having a terrible dream. But, it doesn't sense as a dream.. it looks, more real and surreal.

Who else could have done it? Was anyone here around?

"Anyone here?" I shouted, but the echo became a silence too quick. I tried calling again, and the same happened. It seemed no one was there, at all. But, before I can move forward, something just stopped me. Froze me, and left me in suspicion.

Far off, I can see a hooded figure, I can't see it's face, but I feel it staring at my soul.

I tilt my head and charge out my magic, hoping it won't attack me back. "Who is it! Show yourself!". I took my place, ready to fight. But, it just stood there. Walking more closer to the figure, I made sure it doesn't do anything worse but it had already did. I throw my energy over it but suddenly dodged it away. I gasped, thinking how it avoided my powers.

But, when the hooded figure began it's attack, I just can't believe through my eyes. It's hands twirled into emitting a red-aura like magic and extended it in the air. There, the Earth quaked and huge rock debris emerged from the dead ground, everything aiming at me. It then directs the arms towards my direction, them going in a tremendous speed.

Me being quick in my defense, I stop the rocks coming at me, using lot of strength. But, the magic was so powerful that I was struggling to get through it. Finally, with all sanity, I broke all the debris. I panted for air, while the hooded figure still looked at me with it's glowing red magic. I don't know who could it even be, a sorcerer? A witch who's doing all this?

What does it even want from me?

Suddenly, the hooded figure started floating in the air, pointing it's hand with the aura through my direction and with one quick aim, it attacks me but my magic didn't let it happen. The energy between us was so strong that breaking through it seemed impossible. I groaned in pain, and clenched onto my powers more. It suddenly stopped and saw it was no longer around me. I tried looking everywhere, and anywhere it can be, but it entirely disappeared.

I hope it was planning an another attack over me but-


Was that the voice of my mother? I turned around and let out a heavy gasp. I covered my mouth tighter. My mom, who's appearance was nothing but as if she's dead. The blood poured through her bleeding head, and eyes had rolled out, leaving the cornea entirely white. Her skin also looked pale and cracked, making me move back in fear. But, it broke my heart into pieces.

"M-mom?" My voice trembled.

"You could have saved us." Mom's voice echoed through my ears, shattering me further. But, it did more and more, when I saw my dad for the same. His appearance was just as my dead mom.

I quivered in pain, and felt to cry. This was too much, I wanted everything to stop. I don't wanted to see them dead after bringing them back alive.

I covered my ears to stop hearing them blaming me, and tried finding the hooded figure, but it wasn't around me anymore. Instead, my mom and dad just made me fall down and kept on telling I could have saved them. I couldn't tolerate it.

Stop it.

Just stop it.

Stop, stop, stop, stop, STOP!


I finally wake up from my bed in cold sweat, rubbing my eyes and looking I'm back in my room. Finally, hoping it was just a nightmare after all, but, the hooded figure felt so real, and my dead parents too. I wanted to cry and let it all out, the trauma, the pain, was just mixing into me and hurting me further.

Was there a way to stop it all? This reality was enough to keep me happy, but it seems someone was trying to take it away.

Was it the hooded figure itself? What it wanted from me? It's red magic looked so sinister. It never looked friendly to me.

But, whatever happens.. I will protect my family from that evil force, no matter what.

I turn off the light, and drift off back to sleep, facing the window where the moon reflected it's light, feeling peace after sometime.

Little to know, I still felt haunted.

Tony Stark ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora