Revenge (💦)

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Warnings: Switch!Tony for the first time, not entirely steamy but full of teasing, and fluff in end.

Word Count: 1,844

"O-oh, god, Tony!" You were repeatedly falling while you tried to walk on the floor, because your lower abdomen hurted like hell.

Why? Because of the fun you had with Tony last night. He kept warning that he won't let you walk tomorrow, and it happened. It was a tough time to make sure things were okay and you didn't wanted anyone else in the tower to make fun of you.

Okay, you were now mad, and wanted revenge. Tony really was trying to embarrass you. You leaned your back on the corridor of the kitchen, where you directly see him drinking coffee. He faces you, giving a wicked smirk and sips his drink.

"You.." You growled, as a finger pointed toward his direction.

Tony all did was to chuckle. "Me what, my love?"

"You shouldn't have pounded on me too hard that ni— OW!" You clenched your aching abdomen.

"Can't walk? I told you.." He walks closer to whisper in your ear. "You won't be able to walk today~"

You felt your cheeks flushing red but at the same time, you were mad. Reason why, he teased you all day long, and made you sensually suffer. The other heroes made fun of you, though they don't mean to hurt your feelings.

It was embarrassing, for sure.

You glare at him with angry eyes. "You'll pay for it, Stark."

"Make me, then." He darkens his eyes, growing more close to your face. Letting out a gruff, you storm out of the kitchen, suddenly falling down again. Seeing Tony laugh at your condition, you had enough. You had to plan up something. Sometime later, you join with Natasha in the break room.

"Nat, seriously! I told Tony that be gentle but that man doesn't have limits!" You reasoned. "I know I love him and sometimes he can be a dumbass but he's my dumbass, but.. aarrghhh.. he kept making fun of me!"

Natasha was laughing a bit, but tried not to crack. You did notice that she was about to laugh, not looking amused.

"Hey, it's not funny, Nat..! My abdomen still hurts!"

"Okay, okay I was just kidding." Natasha stops laughing. "Anyways, what have you thought after that?"

"Nothing yet but, I want my revenge. He teased me so much yesterday and now he'll pay for it."

"Well, girl. I suppose, you should take the lead now." Natasha whispers while growing close to you, making sure no one listens to what you both are talking.

"Lead?" You raise an eyebrow.

"You know.. switching sides, of positions. It works, come on."

"W-what? You mean, you want me to take control over Tony?" You said, in surprise.

"Of course, if a man like him can be incharge, why can't you?" Nat smirks, and leans back on her chair to sip on her drink.

"Uhm, I'm not sure but.."

"I don't say, take entire control but, a little bit? Maybe just end it up with a tease, I'm sure he'll learn."

"But you know how furious he gets when I leave an intimiate moment like that."

"Then quickly escape before he takes the chance! Trust me, Tony won't stand a chance. He'll make sure after every moment of your and his make outs, aftercare is always necessary."

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