XIV: Hogwarts and Bad News

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Of course this issue will resolved quickly. They ain't gonna be mad long. Enjoy. If you can.
"You know? But how? And if you did why didn't you say anything." Remus could see Severus' eyes shining brightly.

"Yes." The amusement Remus had noted disappeared. "As for the how I think it's finally time to tell you something that I am sure still hadn't been told to you."

Remus saw James and Sirius shrink amd he knew it wouldn't be anything good.
Remus only felt one thing at this moment. And that was anger. Pure, unadulterated anger. At Sirius and James.

"So", he asked in a deceptively calm voice, "let me get this straight. Last year, you decided that sending someone innocent into a werewolf's cage was a good idea of a prank."

"Moony, look-"

"Don't Moony me Black. You sent someone willingly to a werewolf. What if he had been bitten or worse killed? If it weren't for James this could have happened. Do you have any idea what you almost did?" Sirius shrunk under Remus' glare.

He turned on James "And you. Your telling me this happened before the OWLs? That means the prank you played that day, it was after he was almost killed by a monster? Did neither of you care? If I had my wand I would hex you. What do you two even have to say for yourselves?"

Sirius and James stayed quite. Severus on the other hand spoke up. "You shouldn't blame them entirely you know. I was at fault too in a sense. I should have left the issue alone. And I really wasn't the nicest person around. I still am not nice."

"It still doesn't excuse attempted muder Severus."

"Hmm no but...I've forgiven them. I normally hold a grudge, but for once I'm trying to change. And I want to forget the past and move forward. And I can't believe I'm saying this but I think you should too."


"Moony?" Sirius started in a small voice. "I really did regret what I did. Once it happened, I've felt guilty ever since. I really am sorry I treated Severus like that."

"So am I. I now know it wasn't right. Please Moony forgive us."

"And how will I know that you won't betray my trust again? Right now I don't see you any different from Peter.", he knew his words would hurt but they had betrayed him. He really didn't know what to think. "I don't think I even want to be called a Marauder anymore."
"Remus?" Severus called. Remus had climed a tree far away from their campsite. He ran a hand through his hair.

"Look you need to think this carefully."

"Think what?"

"You friends, they care about you alright? It's rare that you get someone as loyal as those idiots. Right now your angry, and I'm not saying it isn't justified, but they did regret what theu did. So I think-", he took a deep breath, -I think you should fogive them."

"Severus they tried to kill you."

"They did but I wasn't that innocent either. I did try to get you expelled. If it wasn't for Dumbledore it might've happened."

Remus slowly got down. "Look, I'm not a trustworthy person. I called my best friend a 'mudblood' in front of the whole school. I still regret it and am just grateful she gave me a second chance. But these two, they may be foolhardy Gryffindors but they're as loyal as they can get.

Right now your angry. Maybe you should cool down and then think. Don't make the wrong choice. Oh and I never said this. You tell anyone and your corpse won't be found." At this Remus cracked a small smile.

As Severus turned to go Remus called out to him, "Severus. Thank you."
James and Sirius were sitting together. On both of their minds only one thing was running: Moony's mad.

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