Chapter Nine

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I was just about asleep when the door opened and the spot next to me on the bed dipped. I reached over to put an arm around his chest but didn't find a chest, finding a back. I lifted my head to investigate the reason he wasn't laying down.


    He didn't move. I could tell that he was hunched over though, face in his hands, deep in thought. The news on the other end of the radio must not have been good, I leaned her head against his back for comfort, slowly massaging a spot on his shoulder blade.

    "What happened? Natalie okay?"

    "She's fine." He gruffly responded. "Brooklyn too."

    I felt a piece of my heart repair itself and beat more steadily, it's rhythm nearly returning to its normal beat. At least Brooklyn was safe. I'd still worry for her until I saw her again, but for now, my friend was safe and that was good enough for me. But now, Sebastian wasn't okay. My worry had shifted from my friend to him. I continued massaging, hoping he'd ease up on himself and relax.

    "Bas, what happened? If Brooklyn and Natalie are okay, I don't understand why you're upset."

    A long sigh escaped him. He sat up and turned towards me, laying down and placing me onto his chest. He began to massage patterns along my back. It was strange how effortless that transition had been. Clearly, he was still upset and yet he was choosing to give me a comforting massage instead of letting me calm him. Though over the years it was obvious he preferred to provide the comfort instead of receiving it, no matter how it was he felt inside, it was in his nature to care for others.

    I let him collect himself before he spoke. I knew him well enough to be patient and let him speak when he was ready.

    He cleared his throat. He was ready.

    "Natalie found another guard who betrayed us." I tried to lift myself to stare down at him after hearing this startling information but his hand kept me down. "He's the leader of the rebellion. They're called The Red Guard."

    The Red Guard. Natalie's detective work paid off and now the people in red that Brooklyn told Sebastian about made sense now. That was a good name for a rebellion group I had to admit, now I knew the name of my enemy, the people who wanted Deacon and me dead, the people who would not kill me for I would kill them first.

    Sebastian also mentioned a 'he'. I began shuffling through all the male guards I knew of though none came to mind on who'd be the leader of the group that would kill our beloved King and Queen. I was at a loss, and whoever it was, it was clearly enough of a blow to have Sebastian at a loss for words and scared enough to be quiet like he was. I had to know who it was, had to know who my prime target had just become.

    "Bas, who was it?"

    "Is." He corrected himself. "It's my brother."

    I froze. The hand I'd had making small circles on Sebastian's chest stopped mid-circle. It didn't make sense. Sebastian's brother, Captain Anthony James Mellark was one of the greatest men that she knew. He was my father's number two in command. He trusted him with anything and everything. He was even the one who had suggested the King and Queen adopt a baby from England, to try and soothe tensions with the foreign country. It'd worked and a new alliance had been created due to the adoption.

Royal On The Run (unedited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant