Chapter Twenty-Three

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*A few days earlier*

           After backtracking my steps three times over, I wound my way back to the entrance to the bunker. Looking over my shoulder, I didn't see or hear any sign of pursuers, though I couldn't erase the itch within me that I was being followed.

           As I began to scour the ground for the entrance to the bunker, a twig snapped behind me, diverting my attention from the task at hand. I knew someone had been following me. They were probably trained just as well as I was, it had to be a member of the Red Guard who had once worked alongside me. I had to take extreme caution here. If Sebastian did indeed have Naomi and Deacon here, I couldn't give their location up and put them at risk, I'd have to face this one on my own and hope for the best.

           Turning my back on the tree, I surveyed the tree line. Going around in a circle, I saw nothing more, heard nothing more, but I knew I wasn't alone. Despite my backtracking, someone had managed to evade my eyes and followed me.

           There was no point in believing I was alone anymore; it was time to let my perpetrator know I was on to them.

           "Show yourself!" A tree branch bristled on both my right and left sides. There was more than one person targeting me. This was going to be a more difficult fight than I was prepared for. I let my hands drift down to the sword I had on my right side and the little nifty dagger on my left.

           My mother had always told me that I would have to protect myself more than others. I'd always have to be aware of potential harm coming my way, always have to be wary of other people. One of the reasons I became a guard was so I wouldn't have to be as cautious, I'd be able to protect myself. I wouldn't be a victim anymore.

           The trees had stilled once more. My pursuers had come closer though I couldn't see them in the darkening night and thick forest. I could feel them though, could feel their anger, their focus, their intent.

           Their intent was harm. Harm for me, for Naomi and Deacon. They knew what I was here for, who I was looking for, what I was going to do. At least for them, they wouldn't get the note. That was safely tucked away in my bra, a nice trick I'd learned from Natalie on my first day. It'd come in handy more than once and I'm sure it would again in the future.

           "Show your damn selves!" I screamed once more, tired of this waiting game. "Let's get this over with!"

           "Indeed." A chilling voice whispered into my ear, a hand with a death grip on my arm. "I'm afraid you've already seen us, Amara. Where's your sidekick?" I knew that voice, I hated that voice, I always had. "Where's Natalie?"

           Before he could say another word, I spun around in his hold, yanking my dagger out of its sheathe and placing it against his throat. "What the hell are you doing out here, Aspen?"

           Aspen's voice always had a chill to it no matter the situation at hand. He chuckled, the sound vibrating against my arm. He wasn't even remotely frightened of me. "Oh, Amara, I've missed you. How have you been?"

           I dug my blade into his throat, smiling with satisfaction as a drop of blood started to trail down his throat. It wasn't enough to hurt him but it wasn't something that felt pleasant either. He grunted only a little, it sounded like it was mostly for show.

           It was.

           Slowly more guards began to come through the trees. They all wore matching black outfits. If you didn't look too closely, you'd think they were part of the SWAT team instead of part of a rebel group intent on destroying the American monarch.

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