Chapter Thirty-Two

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Anthony's hand was gripping my elbow hard enough to leave a bruise. He was dragging me up the stairs two at a time, I was tripping over my own feet and he didn't seem to care.

"You can let go of my arm." I hissed at him. "I'm not going anywhere."

He chuckled. "You may not be going anywhere, my dear, but I know your faces. You want to say something."

We'd reached the landing of his room. Getting my feet underneath me again, I let him bring me to the room. If he knew I was going to say something, I was going to say everything.

The door wasn't even shut when I started on him as he released my arm.

"What the hell was that, Anthony? You didn't say you were going to torture Brooklyn! You out her through physical pain! For what? To find out where Naomi and Deacon are? Where your brother is?" He twitched, I went on. "What makes you think that Naomi's friend and handmaiden knows about the safe houses?" I let my lips curl into a snarl as I awaited his response.

He adjusted the lapels of his suit jacket. "They're friends. Surely they've talked about things of that matter."

I scoffed. "You're an idiot if you think that." Red tinged his cheeks. I didn't care. "They talked about what teenage girls usually talk about, you idiot. Hot boys and boy bands. How they hate school and can't wait to be of legal age to drink! That's it! I can promise you right now that Naomi wasn't worried in the slightest about the damned safe houses. She probably forgot they even existed."

Anthony seemed to consider the las thing I'd said. He sat on the edge of the bed, skirting around me in order to do so. I swished out of his way so he didn't touch me, I didn't want his hands on my skin at the moment.

He sat on the bed and crossed a leg over his knee, chin resting in his hand that was now perched on his suit clad knee. His brows furrowed and unfurrowed as he thought over my words. This had been the longest he'd been quiet, it was unnerving. It couldn't be good whatever it was.

"Naomi didn't even know?" He asked minutes later. I'd waited so long I now sat at the vanity, applying my makeup, attempting to look a little more human. I'd already changed into a professional looking outfit that resembled my typical guard uniform that I could no longer find for some reason.

Finishing up with my eyeliner, I swiveled on my chair to face him. I shook my head. "She didn't want to know."

I knew he was pressing me for information, and I knew I had to be careful just how much I revealed to him. I couldn't put Naomi and Deacon in more danger than they already were. My faith was now in Natalie to keep quiet about the locations of the safe houses, or at least her wits were about her and she gave convincing false locations.

"Interesting." He purred, scratching at his chin lightly. "She doesn't even want to be Queen, wants no part in the royal duties expected of her."

I stood. "She didn't want out of royal duties, Anthony, she just wanted to do what she wanted, do them her way. There's a difference between what you said and how she really went about it all."


My eyes drifted to the bathroom. Once I was alone again, I'd radio Sebastian. Warn him of what could potentially come his way. He had to be prepared for anything. Though I knew he was smart and always up for a fight, I thought it would still be a nice sentiment to warn him. He'd be grateful as would I if I were in his situation.

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