Chapter Forty-Eight

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One moment, everything was fine. The next, it went to shit. Just like it had over a month ago. I hadn't been there when it happened, only saw it from the outside. But now, I was on the inside, and I saw it happen and I felt like my heat had been ripped from my chest.

Sebastian and Anthony clashed their swords, over and over with nothing happening. Having already been in a sword fight, it seemed like it'd be a no-brainer that Anthony would fall at Sebastian's feet.

But that's not what happened.

No one knew what had happened. Not until the ruby and emerald hilted sword clanged to the ground. Not until Anthony stepped back with a strange look in his eye. It was a look of disbelief and pride all in one.

Sebastian turned toward me, and I screamed. I thrashed against Devin's arms, and normally they could contain me, but in this moment, nothing would be able to contain me.

I screamed as I broke free of his hold, I screamed as I held Sebastian as he fell to the floor and I screamed as Blake held Anthony to the ground, right into the puddle of blood that was pooling from the man I loved.

I only stopped screaming when he lifted a bloodied hand and placed it on my cheek. A tear fell onto his cheek and he gave me a half smile. "" He gasped as if each word he spoke, each breath he made was the last he'd ever make. "My...Queen."

"Please don't go." I sobbed. "You said you'd come back to me. You have to stay with me now."

His smile didn't falter. "" he coughed, blood coating his chin and his body seized up.

"Bas!" I held him closer, putting my ear above his heart. "Bas!" A beat could be heard and I lifted my head back up to look him in the eyes. "Don't leave me."

His lips closed, though his hand remained on my cheek. " honor." He smiled as another of my tears landed on his face. " you."

Sebastian's hand fell from my cheek, landing across his chest with a sickening thud. His body seized one last time before slumping to the ground.

The tears blurred my eyes as I closed his own, laying him down with all the gentleness in the world. I knelt over him, kissing his forehead, kissing each of his closed eyelids, kissing each of his cheeks, his lips and his heart.

While heartbreaking sadness filled my entire being, as Devin knelt behind me, I stood. My hand rested on the hilt of the sapphire hilted sword at my side.

I stormed for Anthony.

One glance at Blake had him moving just out of reach. Anthony raised himself to see what was going on. He had tears streaming down his face.

"You don't deserve to be upset by what you just did." I growled. "You don't deserve anything. You deserve no mercy, you deserve to die and so..." I tilted my head, a smile on my lips. "you shall die. By my hand. With this sword. I swore an oath when you attacked the palace, killing my mom and dad." I informed him, "I swore an oath, you wanted my crown, I wanted your head."

Anthony shivered. From fear or cold or sadness, I didn't care. I would never care about anything that involved him ever again.

"You took my parents from me. You tried to take my crown and throne. You killed the man I love. You will die Anthony, and then you will burn."

With that being said, with all eyes on me I motioned for Blake to lay Anthony down once more. When he was down, I motioned for Blake to back away. I stood over Anthony and lifted my sword.

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