Chapter Forty-Six

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It took everything I had in me to be able to keep up with Sebastian's pace as he tore down the stairs towards the scream. It'd only been the one scream, but it'd been Naomi and

that was all we'd needed to barrel our way through.

We didn't even think about potentially running into the Red Guard or Anthony, we just needed to get to Naomi and nothing was going to stop us. Not even the uneven steps I tripped over that somehow Sebastian had managed to skip or he was too focused the stairs had been scared enough of him to let him pass with no issue. One day, I promised myself, one day I'd have the same resilience that he had.

Since it'd been a few minutes since we'd heard Naomi scream, I wasn't so sure we knew where she was or how we'd be able to find her. It didn't seem like Sebastian knew either, he was just going wherever his feet led him. And I wasn't stupid enough to ask him where we were going.

There was a time and place for my stupidity, and this was not one of those times. From the way I swore fire was coming out of his body, I hoped no one else would be stupid enough to challenge him.

My hope wasn't meant to be.

At the bottom of the stairs, we encountered a couple guards of the Red Guard waiting for us. They wore cruel smirks on their faces. Normally those kinds of smirks would make me cringe in terror, but I wasn't afraid of them. No, I was afraid of the bodyguard they were aiming their swords at. And then, for the slightest of seconds, I was afraid for them. Until one of them spoke.

"Always knew you'd slip up, Sebastian. We've got that little Bitch Princess all nice and cozy with Anthony."

I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. The two men glanced at me as if just realizing I was there.

"What the problem, little Prince? Don't want to get your hands dirty and fight us yourself?"

I shook my head. "No, I just prefer to watch my evening entertainment instead of participating in it."

They both cocked their heads at me. I only waved back, and then; Sebastian was upon them.

I watched in awe as he took on the two guards barehanded. Even with the new sword at his side that he was itching to use, his anger at their words and the memory of Naomi's scream was driving his fury and wrath into something that was worth admiring. I couldn't wait to watch him take Anthony down and train with him when this ends. And hopefully it'd end soon, I wanted to feel safe in my own home again.

One of the guards tried lifting his sword to slice at Sebastian's neck as he had his hands around the throat of the other guard, but he wasn't quick enough. Red flared in his eyes as he let go of one hand to wrap it around the wrist of the other. One hand was strangling the life out of one and the other bent a wrist backwards, earning a piercing scream that could rival Naomi's as he sunk to his knees, now at the complete mercy of the angry bodyguard in front of him.

After he was done, having snapped the other guards neck once the life had left his companion, he rejoined me at the steps.

"Let's move."

"You have to show me how you did that." I said, hoping to get him to crack even the smallest of smiles.

He didn't smile. His mouth stayed in a flat line as he turned. "Later. Let's move."

My smile fell as I fell into place behind him. While he was no longer running, it didn't mean he didn't mean business. He still meant it, but now he was doing it silently. It was somehow much scarier than when he was in a loud rage.

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