Chapter Twenty

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Naomi laid on the bed with the covers tucked up to her chin. Her arm was now in a sling, the wound's dressing had already been changed three times in the two hours that we'd been in the cave safe house.

Deacon remained by the glass wall behind the waterfall, just watching it flow down. Every so often he'd look back at his sister, make sure he saw her take a breath and then he'd turn back to the water. Sometimes he'd mutter words I didn't understand. I'd heard him sniffle as well, he was probably thinking about his parents. He still wouldn't talk about it no matter how much I tried to prompt him. I wouldn't press too hard though, he wasn't pressing me about Anthony, so I'd let him have this.

I sat in an uncomfortable chair, one of the ones you'd sit in in a waiting room at the hospital. It was hurting my back something fierce but for Naomi, I'd endure it until she woke up. The antidote was already working wonders on her.

The sound of the waterfall procured an enjoyable ambience into the room. This was one of the smaller safe houses we had, it was also one of the furthest from the palace and it was the most secure. It's where I wanted to take the siblings from the start, but we were here now so that's all that mattered.

I stroked Naomi's hand, her skin was returning to the warmth I envied. It was the type of warmth that only certain people contained, the ones with the biggest hearts, the bigger purposes in life. The warmth of a Queen, a woman who was born to lead. I hoped once she got her throne returned to her, she wouldn't stand down after the ten or twenty years normally required of monarchs, I hoped she remained for all of her years of life. She'd never agree to it of course, she didn't want it at all, though she'd be good at it, it's not what she wants. If she doesn't want it, it's foolish to make her stay in it.

Naomi will rule just long enough to restore the order of things before handing off the crown to Deacon. She'd told me the night of the attack. I'd told her that if that's what she wished, I'd see it done for her.


Deacon's voice startled me. I jumped, nearly taking Naomi's limp hand with me. I'd been so lost in thought I hadn't heard him approach.


"When will she wake up?"

If only I knew. I wouldn't lie to Deacon. "I don't know, Deacon. It depends how far that poison made it into her system before the antidote started to work. We have to be patient, she'll wake up when she wakes up. Until then, we have to wait."

He groaned. "I don't like waiting. Not for things like this." Things like his sister's life.

I didn't like waiting for it either. It was killing me not to see Naomi awake and talking. "I don't either, but sometimes patience is what will reward us with our greatest ventures. You'll have to wait for yours as I have to wait for mine."

I brushed Naomi's hair from her face, adjusting it around so it didn't look like she was lying in her coffin. She was still alive and I intended for her to look healthy and well. I expected to be left alone with Naomi after that, but I was wrong.

Deacon didn't leave my side, instead he pulled another chair over and sat next to me. "Will the world ever be merciful to her? She's not even a full-out rebel, she just doesn't do well with the expectations that had been placed on her since before she was born. She's a good person with a good heart."

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