Chapter Thirty-Three

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When Amara's voice faded and the static died out, Sebastian slowly turned to me. His eyes were large and scared, I could only imagine mine were exactly the same.

"Bas?" I asked quietly, not moving. "What do we do?" I had a feeling it was for the best that we all remained as quiet as we could until we knew what was going on.

The bed dipped as Deacon sat on the edge of the bed. "Amara said he knows. Anthony knows. Knows what?"

Sebastian eyes were clenched shut, almost as if he were in pain. He might have been. This hadn't been the easiest days for him and to add this on top of it, I couldn't fathom it.

When Sebastian remained quiet, I threw the blankets off of me and walked around the bed to where he stood. His body was rigid, his skin was cold, he looked like death.

"Bas? What do we do? Where do we go? Do we go anywhere? Is it safe to stay here? If Anthony knows, does that mean he's coming here? I can't think of any other reason we should be frightened of him knowing something other than our location."

Something in my voice snapped him out of his daze. He put a gentle hand on me, pushing me back to the bed. Only when I was sitting next to Deacon did Sebastian turn and reach for the packs we'd brought with us from the previous bunker.

He growled when he searched them.

"Is something wrong with them?" Deacon asked. "We haven't taken anything from them."

Sebastian sighed. "It's snowing now and it's colder. There's nothing for cold weather in here." He gestured to the closet. "Start grabbing jackets and gloves, Deacon."

Deacon didn't argue with the command, instantly setting himself to work.

That left me on the bed. Bas didn't even glance at me once Deacon went to work gathering warm clothes. I didn't try to say anything either, I didn't want to mess with Bas' thought process, he was going through enough stress in his head and he didn't need me to add on to this already crazy ass night.

The room was getting colder by the minute. Or maybe that was just my fears creeping in again. Crawling back into the bed and under the covers, I shivered as I tried to think about anything other than what was happening.

My dream!

My dream had been so peaceful and lovely. It was of the future. A future where I wasn't Queen, a future where Sebastian was by my side, a tiny little baby swaddled in pink in his arms.

He was cooing to her, grinning like an idiot when she cooed back. I had stood back and watched them. My two favorite people. And then he lifted her up and pressed her cheek against his, smiling so warmly my heart fluttered.

"Thank you for this." He breathed.

"I promised you a future." I strode closer, placing my hand on his arm. "And now we have it."

I was pulled out of the memory of my dream when the covers had been lifted off of me. I tried to yank them back down, I was still cold. However, the person lifting the blankets was much stronger than I was.

Sebastian placed a warm hand on my back, slowly turning me to face him. His eyes bore into mine. There was understanding and sympathy there. He smiled sadly at me.

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