Chapter Twenty-Five

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"I thought you said we couldn't use the command center to try and communicate with Natalie." Deacon had come up behind me as I messed with the communications. "Thought you said it'd get traced and we'd get caught and have to make a run for it again."

It took everything I had not to shove him out of the way and duct tape him to the wall so he would leave me alone. Instead, I settled for rolling my eyes and tuning him out, putting my focus into trying to get a communication out and figure out what our next step would or could be.

Deacon was persistent though. "Sebastian, why are you ignoring me?"

In truth, I was ignoring him so that I wouldn't scream out and wake Naomi who'd finally fallen asleep about an hour ago. Poor girl'd had nightmares for the past two nights and hadn't gotten much sleep. Now that her eyes were closed, I intended for them to stay that way for a while, she deserved her rest just like Deacon and I did. She wasn't able to handle the nightmares like we did, they kept her awake, they just pissed me off.


I put a hand up to silence him. "Must you talk right now?" I motioned to Naomi. "Don't talk, let her sleep. God knows we do not need a cranky Naomi. If we get a cranky Naomi, I'm putting you alone with her and I'm getting fresh air and I'll come back to clean whatever's left of you off the walls, if she leaves that much." I chuckled to myself, Naomi wasn't someone to mess with when she hadn't had much sleep, the past two days had been hell. She had also started her monthly cycle, though she tried not to be, she was in fact a little devil right now and not the sexy kind.

"She won't wake up." Deacon insisted. "I put those earmuffs over her ears, she should be out cold for a while." He glanced over his shoulder to verify what he'd said was true.

Following his gaze, I sighed. She did look like our talking wasn't bothering her, she was in fact looking the most at peace I'd seen her in months.

"Fine. If you must know, I'm trying to find a way to communicate with Natalie that can't be traced."

"Is that possible?"

I held up two wires. "You went to school for engineering, shouldn't you know?"

His mouth gaped for a moment before closing. "I'm not done with school." His eyes whipped back and forth before settling back on me. "That's not an excuse."

I could only give him a look that told him I didn't believe him. There were no words I could say out loud that wouldn't irritate him further.

"This isn't even full communication, Deacon. It's archaic almost."

He leaned over my shoulder. "Morse code?"


The wires tapped together in my hands, over and over again. Some taps were short, others were long. Some were intricate patterns, others could be matched with popular rock songs. They all had their own meanings, Natalie would know what they meant.

"How will she be able to communicate back if you lost the radio we used to talk to her?"

Damn, Deacon and all of his questions. He was a smart kid, I liked him most of the time, but damn did he work up my nerves. Had to be the british accent. Others found it charming, I found it annoying. Especially after Naomi's hardcore One Direction obsession. To this day, I'll never forgive her for letting the King and Queen bestow us all with Harry Style's song references as our code names.

Royal On The Run (unedited)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora