Chapter Thirty-Six

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I wasn't sure how much time had passed since we left the cave to now, my head rocking against Sebastian's back. He was running. Running from the lights and the voices. Why were we running?

I didn't have time to ask as my head bounced off his shoulder. Snow and ice flew into the air, mixing with the snow falling down around us. I was cold and sore, I just wanted to stop. I wanted to rest properly, not stopping and resting temporarily and then back to running again. It was exhausting.

"Bas?" I coughed out. "Bas."

Sebastian's shoulder tensed as he felt the vibration of my voice. He didn't stop running though, not for a while until we were able to hide behind a thick tree. He carefully helped me down to stand on my own two feet. He was quick to trace my cheek, my shoulder, checking to make sure I was alright.

I gave him a nod. "Slightly sore." I noticed it was just the two of us. "Where's Deacon?"

Sebastian's face fell. "He wanted to be a distraction."

Of course he would want to. He was always the most noble. He really would make a fine King one day.

I held my anger for my brother within me. I could tell from Bas's face that he was being patient though it was quickly running out. We would have to run again. And we'd have to run now.

He glanced be up and down once. "Can you run or do I need to hold you?"

He'd probably already held me too long, he was taking heavier breaths than he should've. I'd give him a rest.

"I can run."

The lights shone on us once more.

Sebastian groaned. "Deacon distracted most of them. Took a while for the others to catch up."

"We need to run then?"


I took his hand. "Okay."

So we ran.

Tearing through the trees, away from the voices, Sebastian dragged me behind him. Deacon was still nowhere to be seen, I hoped he was okay. My anger was rising. Deacon sometimes didn't look strong, but that was something that'd always gave him an advantage over others. He was sneaky, he'd find a way to stay alive, stay safe. Deacon was my brother after all, if he couldn't find a way to save himself, if he couldn't outsmart the Red Guard, then I didn't know who he was.

I had to keep my brother out of my mind though, I had my own life to worry about keeping safe. Though I had Sebastian with me, the voices we were outrunning hadn't sounded kind. They were hunting us, they'd kicked us out of the bunker, destroyed it to smithereens. Once they found out I wasn't in the rubble, we'd heard their battle cry, the roars that could've outmatched a dragon. They were coming for me now, with Anthony leading the charge.

Slipping and sliding on the snow caused either Sebastian or myself to fall on our asses. My backside was hurting but I had to keep going. If I could run while recovering from a bullet wound, I could run while recovering from a slip and slide. Following Sebastian's motivation, we made our way through the trees, doing everything we could to outrun the voices that weren't too far behind. If I looked over my shoulder, I might've been able to see them.

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