Autumn - Ravey

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have some ravey. I want to get a bunch of different ships so if you have a rarepair or such head over to my requests page! Anyway enjoy!

Davey stood in front of the full body mirror glancing over his look. He double checked the turtleneck sweater was properly tucked into the high waisted jeans. The cedar sweater looked nich with the black skinny jeans and short heeled boots. It was quite feminine but Davey could care less about gender norms.

"Hot." Race strutted into the room his purple and green squinen lettered shirt casting sparkles into the room. A smirk spread across his face as he came up behind Davey slapping his *ss.

"Racetrack." Davey glared his face pink. Then he noticed the heels.

"Are you against my heels?" Race said with mock offense.

"You are not wearing those out. We just need to buy decorations, not a trip to the E.R. when you break an ankle."

"You just don't like my fabulous style." Race said with a failed hair flip, sassily putting the heels in the closet. "Aye wait! Youse in heels!" Race exclaimed.

"Yeah, like 1 inch heels not 5. The cropped hoodie with the glitter and sequins is enough sparkle." He smiled. "Can't have anyone blinded or trying to steal ya."

"Good point smarty pants." Race said tossing on converse.

"Are you ready to go?" Davey asked as they walked down stairs. Race nodded, tossing the keys to Davey.

"Can Ise please drive?" Race pleaded deploying puppy dog eyes.

"Absolutely not. Your car is still in the shop from last time you drove. I can't trust you with my car. Plus near the place we are going is full of idiots. Oh ya do you have your mask?" Davey asked buckling up.

"Oh sh!t it in the house. Also what do's the dumb*ss strikers have to do with me drivin'?"

"I got a spare in the back. And you get quite aggressive when you drive around idiots. You spent too much time around Spot when learning Brooklyn roads." Davey said, starting the car. Race stuck out his tongue at Davey before buckling his seatbelt.

"The theme is plague witch doctors right?" Race asked.

"Yep. You get to make most of the decor choices because you have the dramatic decor flair." Race smiled at his boyfriend's words.

"All cuz youse a chicken babe" Race joked.

"That one haunted house was traumatizing as a 12 year old and I refused to go in another. I was raised as a very sheltered child." Davey defended.

"Look at the traffic ahead." Race complained.

"Put some mood setting music on." Davey replied.

"It's autumn so you want vintage autumn jazz right?" Race said fumbling for his phone and to YouTube.

"Mhm" Soon 'Tis' Autumn' by Nat King Cole was streaming through the car speakers. Davey hummed along while Race just enjoyed the music.

"Road work ahead?!" Race shouted.

"Uh ya. Look at the traffic ahead." Davey pointed out.

"Lets just go home before we are stuck." The two drove home quietly. Once home Race tossed off his shoes but he forgot to turn off his phone so it connected to the speaker causing 'Autumn Leaves' by Doris Day to fill the house. Davey rushed over to Race dragging him to the living room. Race was confused for a minute until Davey grabbed his waist and hand to dance. They slowly danced through the playlist until it ended and an ad popped up.

"F*ck you ya god d*mn YouTube ads!" Race yelled. He switched his phone to camera and told Davey to get ready. With auto take counting down they posed in a dance position.

"Send that to Jack and tell him and Crutchie to beat that!" Davey said excitedly. Race did as told then leaned over and pecked Davey cheek.

"Children's Halloween classics and cuddles?" Race suggested. As soon as the two were comfortable with Davey spooning Race his phone dinged. "Jack said it was cute but he and Crutchie could do better. Should I tell him what we are doing now?"

"Lemme take a photo though my arms are longer." Race buried himself in Davey's chest and acted like he was asleep after giving Davey his phone.

Jack: me and crutchie can do better! but cute.

Race: *one image*


Jack: we can sure as h*ll try! also why ya stealing racers phone?

Race: Because I can. Now I gotta go. Race needs the sleep online college has his *ss kicked.

Davey tossed the phone to the side and wrapped his arm around Race and enjoyed the movie

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