Those d--- Delancey's - Ralbert - request

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This was a request for @JJxoxc

I really hope you like it! Sorry its a bit shorter than the others. It was really fun to write! Also if the italian is off I dont speak it and used google translate...

Word count: 1188 

TW: mentions of fighting and injuries nothing major though. also a bunch of fluff and nicknames!

It was almost midnight as Albert stumbled his way back to the lodging house. He walked as quickly as he could without causing himself more pain. He hoped he didn't look too bad so he wouldn't have to explain. Even better if everyone was asleep when he got there so he could just sleep it off. Of course with his horrible luck someone was still up when he arrived back. Even worse luck it was Race. Albert pulled his cap low in hopes to hide his face. He walked quicker past Race hoping to not be stopped.

"Albert?" The soft call made Albert freeze a few feet from the stairs.

"Hmm?" Albert said not turning to face Race. Race stood up from the chair and approached the other boy.

"Why are youse home so late, love?" He placed a hand on Alberts shoulder unaware there was a bruise there. Albert flinched away earning a concerned look.

"I had some trouble selling so Ise stayed out a little later and walked a bit and got lost. No need to worry. Why don't you head to bed and I can join youse in a minute?" Albert lied. Race mentally called bs, Albert knew Manhattan like the back of his hand.

"Why won't you look at me?" Race said, keeping his voice gentle and calm even though he was worried. Albert shrugged.

"Racer Ise really tired. Can I change and we go to bed?" Albert asked in attempts to change the subject. Race grabbed Alberts shoulders firmly but gently turned him around. When he saw the mess that was his boyfriend's face he gasped.

"Al, baby what happened?" Race said, voice suddenly full of worry. Albert looked away.

"Some gutter rats." He said sarcastically with a light laugh. "It doesn't matter." Race furrowed his brows. Race grabbed Alberts hat so he could see the other boys' faces better. Albert made a half hearted attempt to grab it back but failed.

"What happened? Tell me." Race said again. Albert shook his head and started to go towards the stairs again. Race stopped him. "This isn't just a little thing. Your face is a mess."

"Then let me go clean it up!" Albert raised his voice to a whisper-yell. Then he regretted it. "Look I'm sorry but I just need to clean up and go to bed."

"At least let me help you clean up. Those cuts need to be cleaned and a cold rag can take down some swelling." Race said, reaching for Alberts hand. Albert let him take his hand.

"Okay. Only because you would do it anyway." Albert started to head up the stairs. Race followed, his thoughts racing as he wondered who did this and what he needed to do. They got upstairs and headed into the bathroom. Race sat Albert down before grabbing the things he needed. They only had some water to clean wounds so he would have to make do.

"This may hurt a bit. Sorry." Race whispered as he pressed the rag to Alberts cuts. Albert hissed in pain and tried to pull away a bit but being up against the wall prevented that. "Im sorry baby."

"It's okay Sunshine." Albert smiled lightly looking Race in the eyes who smiled back. He loved the nickname but would never admit it around anyone. Race finished cleaning Alberts face.

"Okay. Now shirt off."

"Woah there Racer." Albert smirked despite the pain his face dusted pink.

"Albert DaSliva! You know what I mean." Race said his own face red holding a playful glare. Albert slowly took off his shirt groaning at the pain it caused. To say it was a mess was an understatement and Race was rightfully shocked. "What happened? Who did this?"

Alberts entire upper body was covered in cuts and bruises. Some were similar shapes to boots.

"D—n brass knuckles and boots do a number I tell ya sunshine." Albert grumbed through gritted teeth. Race stood up.

"Let me grab some bandages, Ise think ya gonna want to cover some of those up." Albert glanced down and swore. It was worse than he thought.

Race came back and cleaned the cuts. "Who the f—k did this to you Al?" He was becoming impatient. Albert sighed giving up on keeping it secret.

"Those d—n Delanceys jumped me on my way back from sellin'. I tried to get away and drive em off but they had those brass knuckles." Albert said quietly. Those words were the final thing Race needed to hear to make his blood boil. Albert watched his lover's face turn as red as Alberts hair.

"The Delanceys did this to ya?" Race said, waving a hand over Alberts injuries. Albert nodded slightly. "Imma kill em. Ise gonna go to their house and kill them with my bare hands. Make them b———s regret being born let alone laying even a look at you." Races' voice and body shook as rage overtook him and he saw red. Albert gently reached out and lay a hand on Races foot, not being able to reach his shoulders.

"Baby calm down. You don't need to commit murder. Wait til mornin' at least to kick there a—-s." Race crouched back down and went back to tending to Alberts injuries.

" 'Fraid I can only wait til youse took care of love." Albert reached for Races chin forcing him to look at Albert.

"Please." Cue puppy dog eye deployment. "Stay?" Race stared at Albert for a moment. He didn't want to give in but Albert looking helpless with puppy dog eyes and a pout made him. He sighed.

"Fine but tomorrow you can't stop me." Race said as he calmed down, shoving the spark of anger left in a circle of not wanting to upset Albert so it didn't catch fire and take over. He sat next to Albert who moved to lay in his boyfriend's lap. Race played with his Alberts hair. "Hey wait I forgot to do something important. Sit up please." Albert slowly sat up, confused.

"What did you forget about?"

"To finish making those injuries completely taken care of." He leaned over and kissed one of the bandaged cuts on Alberts face gently.

"Can we go lay down in bed while you do this? It's probably better than the washroom floor." Albert said his face dusted pink.

"Anything for you amore." Race smiled. Albert tried to get up but Race scooped him up bridal style. He carried Albert to his bunk laying him down before doing the same next to him. He continued "completely taking care of Alberts injuries" earning small giggles from Albert when he reached his torso. Race smiled to himself at the ticklish dork before him.

"Shhh you'll wake the others you bellissimo idiota!" Race whispered moving to lay back facing Albert. Albert wrapped his arms around Races neck. Albert kissed Race before snuggling into his chest. Race held Albert close. Albert made sure to lay so he could hear Races heartbeat and fell asleep to that. Race played with Alberts hair till he fell asleep.

"Ti amo." He whispered before drifting off to sleep. 

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