You are my Sunshine - Almer

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This kinda short but that's probably best because the original plan was not a happy ending so.... y'all probably prefer this. Okay, enjoy!

word count: 963

Albert DaSilva, the sarcastic tough guy who is always joining Races shenanigans. Always in flannel and jeans. That's who all the newsies knew. Well Elmer knew another Albert too. Elmer knew the soft, romantic, ukulele playing boy he has been in love with for so long. Albert and Elmer had been together for two years now.

"Albie baby?" Elmer called down the hall. Before he could comprehend the other boy was even home he was engulfed in a hug.

"Sunshine!" A wide smiling face stared back at Elmer once he was released.

"You're in a good mood." Elmer noted a small smile on his face. Albert nodded.

"I have a surprise for you! I have to go do some stuff, meet me at the park at 8." Elmer nodded slightly confused. What did Albert have planned? Knowing him it could be anything. Elmer headed to flicking on the tv scrolling through the channels. It was 6:30 so he had time to kill. After a failed search to find something good to watch he turned on Bonnie and Clyde soundtrack. He decided to just sing along and perform musical numbers while sort of cleaning up the house. Not much cleaning got done but the time went by fast. At 7:45 he quickly got ready and headed to the park that was a mere few minute drive away. He knew where to head when he got there though. His and Alberts spot. They had hung out there since they were just kids. He was almost there when he saw Albert waiting on the trail.

"Put this on." Albert said, handing Elmer a blindfold. Elmer did as told, still very confused but also excited. A tinge of nervousness was in him but he pushed it aside knowing that he was safe with Albert. Albert took his hand and led him through the trees along the trail. Once they reached their spot Albert pulled the blindfold off. Elmer was speechless when he saw what was before him. Fairy lights were strung through the trees, a picnic set out. Sunflowers, Elmer's favorite flower, and baby's breath scattered over the blanket. Albert walked over and grabbed a crown of sunflowers and baby's breath and set it on Elmers head. Elmer threw his arms around Albert.

"I love it!" Elmer stood on tip toe and kissed Albert. Albert smiled and dragged him over to sit and eat. Albert had packed the two's favorite summer picnic foods. Strawberries, pink lemonade, and sandwiches.

"I'm glad. I'm guessing you don't know the meanings behind the flowers." Albert asked, not in a rude way but he wanted Elmer to know all the meanings behind this. It was their 2 year anniversary date after all. Elmer shook his head.

"The sunflowers mean adoration and loyalty. Baby's breath means everlasting love and innocence." Albert reached to grab Elmer's hand.

"Aww, you're so sweet." Elmer smiled more. Both boys ate and just talked, they talked about memories, jokes and other happy things. Once they finished eating Albert reached over for his ukulele. He motioned for Elmer to come sit by him. Elmer did. Albert strummed a few chords. C, G7, C. Elmer knew that opening. It was their song, the song sung when Elmer had attacks, the song sung as they started dating. Their song.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." Albert sang softly, closing his eyes. Elmer leaned against Albert as they swayed back and forth. "You make me happy when skies are grey." F, C, C7. "You'll never know dear how much I love you." F, C. "So please don't take my Sunshine away." C, G7, C. As the last strum faded out, Albert leaned over and kissed the top of Elmer's head careful with the flowers. "I love you El."

"I love you too." Albert set his ukulele off to the side and wrapped his arms around Elmer nuzzling into his neck. "Hey Al?"

"Hmm?" Albert hummed not moving.

"Can we go lay under the stars?" Elmer asked, setting the flower crown to the side. Albert nodded quickly, sweeping Elmer in his arms. Elmer squeaked in surprise clinging to Albert. Albert ran towards the clearing flopping them over carefully so they laid down but Elmer was in his lap. Elmer laid his head on Alberts chest. He then noticed it was cooling off quickly.

"Want me to go get the blanket?" Albert asked. Elmer nodded scooting off. Albert purposely forgot the blanket it would give him time to put his plan in action. He grabbed the blanket from the bag, his ukulele and the other thing he needed. He returned to Elmer sitting in the grass staring at the sky. He went and sat next to him tossing the blanket over him. "I have one more thing to show you on my uke." Elmer looked at him.

"You do? Okay let's see it." Albert stood up and took a deep breath and started.

"Wise men say," Focus on the chords, the words, everything will be fine. "Only fools rush in." Elmer tilted his head once again confused. "Well I can't help falling in love with you~" Albert lowered himself, setting down the ukulele reaching into his pocket in the process, onto one knee. "I love you so much Sunshine and I know it's a little quick but will you marry me and be mine forever?"

Elmers hand shot over his mouth and tears filled his eyes. "Of course!" He ran over to Albert knocking him over. Albert put the ring on Elmers finger, it was a simple ring, a silver band on the inside was 'my only sunshine' engraved though in the dim light Elmer couldn't see that. They ended up cuddling and kissing under the stars until they got tired.

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