My Sunshine - Part 2

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Major TW ahead be careful. Im sorry... heere is the alt ending to My Sunshine. Now you will know why the plan was changed. I know I'm evil please don't hurt me.

Albert and Elmer were watching Bonnie and Clyde bootleg and had watched Grease just before. They had been making a few loose plans for wedding things mainly just tossing ideas around. It had been two months since the proposal and the news got around to all the other Newsies. Race threw a party, not huge but he wasn't gonna let his best friend go without one. The musical had just ended.

"I would die without you El." Albert said randomly. Elmer looked up at him smiling at the reference.

"I would die without you babe." Elmer cuddled more into Alberts side. Elmer jumped at his phone dinging and leaped up to grab it off the coffee table. He grabbed it and saw a message from his boss. They needed an extra person at the after school tutoring/help session.

"What's that about?" Albert asked.

"They need an extra person to help at school." Elmer was a math teacher at a middle school. "Should I go?"

"Well we don't have anything planned but it's up to you." Albert said.

"I think I will go. I better get my stuff." Albert nodded getting up. Elmer grabbed his bag for teaching and his keys tossing on a better shirt beforehand. He kissed Alberts cheek before grabbing his keys and leaving.

"See ya Sunshine!" Albert called as Elmer walked out the door.

Once Elmer had left Albert decided to see what Race was up to.


Albert: Hey

Race: Whats up

Albert: Not much. El had to go to work for a while. Wbu

Race: Nothing. Sitting on a balcony, smokin

Albert: Nice

Race: Wanna join me? Doesn't seem you have anything better to do. We could play some Go-Fish.

Albert: Sure, sounds fun. Be there in a few.

True to his word Albert showed up at Races and Spots apartment around 10 minutes later. He knew he didn't have to knock, none of the Newsies did as long as their visit was planned. He headed out to the balcony seeing Race on a lounge chair, cigarette in hand. Race sat up upon noticing Albert pushing his sunglasses up on top of his head.

"Hey." Race grabbed the pack of cigarettes and tossed them towards Albert along with the lighter. Albert sat down and lit a cigarette.

"Hey." Silence for a few minutes.

"Go-Fish?" Race asked.

"Yeah." Race got up and ran inside to grab a deck of cards. Albert decided to check on Elmer.


Albie <3 : Hey Sunshine, how are you doing? I love you <3

Race got back and Albert put his phone away. Race pulled over a small table and set it between the two. Cards were dealt.

"Betcha $5 Ise can beat you before you match half your cards." Both boys spit on their hands and shook on it. Multiple matches and draws later, Race was winning and it appeared he would win the bet. He did.

"Ha! Fork the 5 over Al." Race said loudly and proudly holding out a hand. Albert glared and reluctantly placed a five dollar bill in Races outstretched hand.

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