Full Circle - Spralmer

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have some spralmer with trans race. very mild tw ahead, nothing bad just incase though, be careful.

Race was walking home from work, every step exhaustion trickling deeper into his bones. The almost 7 hours of work in the 85 degree humid flower shop was too much especially since he had been working over time the last 5 days. He had got stuck in the tropical plants area and with them being short staffed he only got a ½ hour lunch break. Finally staggering to the 2nd story apartment he unlocked the door. Awaiting his arrival his three boyfriends were on the couch.

"Hey loves." Race said plopping onto the couch in between Albert and Spot.

"Hi babe." Spot replied, grabbing Races hand.

"Are ya okay Racer?" Albert asked a concerned look on his face.

"You look exhausted." Elmer added. Race nodded.

"Ise fine. Just been a long week."

"And by the smell and feel of it you were in the tropical area today?" Spot asked, wrinkling his nose.

"S—t yeah, sorry." Race went to get up only to be pulled down again.

"It's fine for now." Albert said.

"We could watch a movie." Elmer suggested. Agreement went through the couple and The Lion King was put on. 45 minutes into it Race noticed the pain in his chest. Panic rising he remembered it's been almost 9 hours since he got dressed this morning.

"I uh have to use the restroom." He speed walked up the stairs, grabbing Alberts hoodie since it's a few sizes too big and into the bathroom connected to his room. He almost sighed in relief as he finally struggled his binder off. He went to grab the sports bra but caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror only to internally cringe.

"Why am I like this?" He whispered as he pulled on the sports bra. Pulling on a loose tank top then the hoodie. Yanking off the skinny jeans letting the folded socks fall to the ground as well. He pulled on some sweatpants and some fresh deodorant. Gathering all the clothes then clearing his mind he unlocked the door. He stopped dead in his tracks when he got a step out the door. His binder fell to the floor as well, just his luck. Elmer was sitting on his bed.

"What are- are you doing?" Race stuttered scrambling for the binder and shoving it into a hamper with the other clothes.

"Hey, hey, chill. I was just checking in on you. But since Ise here and saw what I assume you hide." Elmer stopped speaking and walked over wrapping Race in a hug.

"What do you mean?" Race said his heart racing.

"Your binder fell and I saw your monthly stuff in a cupboard when looking for extra toilet paper yesterday. Don't worry only I know." Elmer explained.

"Oh." Race grew quiet not knowing what to say. "You aren't ma-mad right?" Race said quietly, looking down.

"Then I'd be a hypothetical a**hole." Elmer chuckled.

"Do you mean-?" Race started to say.

"Ise trans too." Elmer said yanking his shirt up to reveal two scars.

"You never told us?"

"Albert knew and I was planning on telling you and Spot soon." Elmer said drumming his fingers on his thighs glancing the other way.

"That makes sense. Explains why you always make sure you take your so-called vitamins everyday but it's like 4 different pills."

"Oh yeah. Most of those are vitamins haha." Elmer laughed sheepishly.

"I think I should tell them..." Race said unsurely.

"That's a good idea. They should know and they will love you no matter what." Elmer squeezed Race's shoulder reassuringly. Race took a deep breath.

"Okay. Let's do this." Elmer smiled and nodded before the two headed back down stairs.

"What took you two so long?" Albert asked, turned backwards on the couch. Spot soon followed their faces shadowed by the blue light behind them.

"Go on." Elmer whispered.

"I have som- something to tell you guys." Race but his lip and picked at his nails. Spot raised an eyebrow and Albert paused the movie.

"Okay, what is it?" Spot said.

"I. I'm." Race felt his eyes start to water and his hands grow shaky. Elmer grabbed his hands and kissed them gently.

"Take your time." Albert said patiently.

"Ise trans." Race said quickly then shoved his head roughly into Elmers shoulder. Tears spilled as Albert rushed over and wrapped Race into a crushing hug. Race hissed pain.

"Sorry." Albert said, loosening his grip. Spot was soon to follow.

"How long have you known?" Spot asked sympathetically the question to Race and also Elmer.

"A year or so." Race said quietly, staring at his feet. He felt guilty now that his boyfriends accepted him and he kept it from them but also because he was scared they wouldn't be.

"Racer you should have told us." Albert spoke softly.

"Sorry. I only started to try passing around 6 months or so."Race looked down.

"I guess while we are on the subject. Spot, I'm trans too." Elmer said.

"Well, that's okay. I love all of you no matter what and your gender, sexuality or anything of that sort cannot change that." Spot said hugging Elmer then Race then Albert.

"Wanna get back to the movie?" Race asked, his voice was still shaky but he was happy.

"Also Race, what binder do you have? It was completely flat, I couldn't even tell." Elmer asked as they all cuddled onto the couch.

"I don't remember the brand but it wasn't a cheap one."

"Can You Feel The Love Tonight" started to fill the room. All four sang along much like the rest of the songs.

"Hey Race, what elementary school did you go to?" Albert asked once the movie was over.

"Uh River East, why?"

"I knew someone in elementary school who was really similar to you. I can't remember a last name though. They had just moved from Italy in 1st grade. You went to the same school as me." Albert explained.

"Wait, I went to River East as well. Are you talking about that kid Anita?" Elmer exclaimed.

"Anita? I thought it was Antonia" Spot kinda zoned out, having grown up in Brooklyn and not hung around Manhattan he wouldn't have known them.

"Antonia? Was it Antonia Higgins?" Race asked.

"Yeah! That's the name!" Albert exclaimed. Elmer nodded.

"Oh s*it. We knew each other in elementary school. To be honest I don't remember like anything about 1st grade, probably cause Ise only understood like ½ of it. America was so strange." Race laughed. "Of course then I had to move again so I don't think I ever really got to know each other."

"Wait wait did you ever go by 'Bets' or 'Aces'" Spot asked.

"Some kids at Sheepshead called me 'Aces' yeah. Only cause I was good at gambling and bets." Race said.

"Oh my god. I finally achieved 9 year old me's achievement of dating Aces. I remember hating you cause I'd lose all my money to Aces because I had a crush and couldn't beat them!" Spot said. Race laughed.

"That was you?! You were the red faced kid who I nicknamed to myself 'Tomato' because you were always red faced and I never got your name!" Elmer and Albert started laughing too.

"You nicknamed me Tomato!" Spot said his face flushed with embarrassment. Race nodded.

"Who knew all this would come full circle!" Elmer wheezed. Finally Spot cracked a smile then laughed a bit.

"We're ridiculous!" 

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