I Dreamed A Dream - Albert x Reader

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This is based off a dream I had. Yes, it cuts off but the rest the dream mentions things I don't feel comfortable writing and yeah. It's crack and will probably be rewrote since im running on chocolate and no sleep. Enjoy!Also this is my first x reader

tw crocdile bites, 

Y/N was walking back to the place they/he/she lived. Through the slummy dump to the tiny building with the three beds. It was almost pitch black outside. Y/N could see Albert and another boy sleeping in their beds, since the building in which they lived only had 3 walls and a partly existing transparent wall. They/he/she saw something move in the darkness and without thinking went to see it. Suddenly the crocodile was biting Y/N's foot, but just the sole of it and holding it. They/he.she was trying to pull away and scream but the crocodile had too tight a grip and the screams were silent. So trying the next thing to come to mind they/she/he yelled for Albert, his/their/her crush apparently. The red head bolted awake and saved Y/N.

Race came too along with the other person there.

"He loves you, ask him out." Y/N heard Race think.

Albert and Y/N both agreed without a word to be dating and walked back to their home holding hands.

Y/N flopped into their/his/her bed and then realized that because they were a couple, Albert and her/they/he, needed to cuddle. Albert made Race, who was on his queen size bed as a starfish switch beds with Y/N and the other boy got Albert's bed.

"Love you." Both Y/N and Albert whispered before falling asleep.

Now they were in a clothing store. Albert was being hugged viciously by a random person who looked like Y/N's great grandma but was a stranger.

"Hey! Leave my husband alone!"

"Yeah! I'm the husband, leave me alone." Albert teleported back to Y/N's side, the two now married and cart surfing through the store.

NoW you're riding in a cartoon acorn that's a car with Y/N's best friend and best friend's family. They just cuddle and almost fall out of the car.

Y/N and Albert kiss and are on a scavenger hunt at Y/N's house. 

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