Stop Lying - part 2

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there is gonna be more parts... but take part 2 of ???

"Crutchie! What took you so long?! Where's Davey?" Jack rushed up to Crutchie wrapping him in a hug. Then Jack noticed his face. "The h*ll happened to ya face?"

"T-the Delancey's tried t-to jump me on m-my way b-back from s-selling. Or one of the D-Delanceys. Ise couldn't tell it was only one person and I couldn't see." Crutchie pulled a fake pitiful face.

"What did they's sound like?" Jack asked worriedly, as they walked to sit on a bunk in the Lodging House.

"Now that Ise think 'bout it they almost sounded like Davey." Crutchie said furrowing a brow to seem like he was thinking about it.

"Davey?! But he wouldn't do that!" Jack said the shock was obvious in his voice.

"I don't know. I'm just sayin' what happened. Somethin' seemed a bit off 'bout Davey to me. I mean he is super smart but can't figure out how to sell enough papes. He relies on you. He can come up with a speech and such on the spot but cant make up a headline with time to think?" Crutchie said.

"That makes sense..." Jack said. "But we have no proof yet, sorry Crutch but Ise gotta have some proof.

"Well Ise was able to hit whoever it was in the face and cut their arm with a rock." Crutchie looked down irritated but understanding of his disbelief.

"We can pay attention to the Delanceys and guess Davey tomorrow. Speaking of Davey where is he?" A few minutes later while Specs was tending to Crutchies wound Davey burst in.

"Dave what the h*ll! What took ya so long? It is long past supper. Crutchie is back, he got jumped on the way back." Jack stepped back a few steps after looking Davey over. "Holy sh*t..." he muttered.

"Who jumped Crutchie on the way back?" Davey asked nervously a glint of betrayal in his eyes.

"Holy sh*t. Crutchie! Comes look at this!" Jack called out to Crutchie after looking at Davey. Crutchie limped over then pulled a face of shock.

"Davey? What happened to you?" His voice held a hint of a threatening tone. Jack turned to Crutchie.

"His face is bruised and arm cut. Is it like the person who jumped ya?" Jack asked.

"Wait what? Is he trying to say I jumped Crutchie?" Davey loudly asked. His voice was fearful but held anger as well.

"Hey hey calm down. Lets explain what Crutchie said to Davey and get Davey's side of the story." Specs said.

"Yeah good idea Specs. First let's hear Davey's side of the story." Jack said. "And sit down." He added. The boys sat in the commons room before Davey started speaking.

"You guys won't believe my side of the story..." Davey said. Crutchie grinned at Davey before slapping the pitiful, sad look back on.

"Why wouldn't we believe youse?" Jack asked.

"Cause I barely believe it myself. C-can I speak to you about it a-alone?" Davey asked. At the stuttering Jack grew much more worried.

"Of course. Crutchie why don't ya go up and play cards with Racer or something?" Jack asked, oblivious to the change in Crutchies mood.

"Sure." Crutchie said through gritted teeth facing away from Jack. He sent one more glare at Davey before limping up stairs. Once upstairs Crutchie saw Race and Albert playing cards. Race looked up when he heard Crutchie come up the stairs.

"Hey Crutchie. Wanna play cards with us?" Race asked as he threw down some cards earning a groan from Albert as they were now tied.

"Uh no sorry. Ise real tired and a little shook up." Crutchie said this time not lying.

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