Stop Lying- Part 1

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This is really long so this is part one of 2 or 3. TW violence, betrayal and more.

I decide im f--king done with everyone writing crutchie as flawless so i did this. If it makes you mad. good. that's the point. Enjoy! :)

Davey was hanging out with Jack. For once letting loose. Les was with Crutchie, he was safe.

Davey had only hung out with the newsies a few weeks but they considered them close. They were waiting at the circulatory gate. Oscar came up to the gate.

"Dear me, what is that unpleasant aroma? Fear the sewers may have backed up during the night." Race said.

"It must me da Delancey Brotha's!" Crutchie said with a smirk. A few laughs echoed through the newsies. Oscar slammed his hand on the gate with a glare. He unlocked the gate. All the newsies filed through.

"Ya lousy crip!" Oscar grabbed Crutchie's crutch knocking him to the ground. Jack helped him up and turned to go after Oscar. Crutchie put out a hand to stop Jack.

"Says the bloody b**tard who has to pick on people for confidence." Crutchie said straight faced a flare in his eyes. Oscar stood for a moment shocked. Crutchie took this moment to grab his crutch back.

"You little- " Oscar stopped mid sentence after Crutchie hit him full force in the leg with his crutch sending Oscar to the ground.

Cheers went through the crowd and the newsies went around Oscar as he started to get up.

"Papers for the newsies!" Weasel yelled. The boys filed in line. Oscar stormed to stand behind the counter.

"Heya Weasel." Crutchie watched Jack poke fun at the man. Weisel glared at him. Race did the same, trying to get free papes.

"Well whateva happened ta romance?" Race stuck out his tongue as he grabbed his papes walking away. This was a typical morning. Soon it was Crutchies turn right after Davey.

"20 papes please Mr. Weisel." Crutchie said kindly.

"20 papes for Crutchie." Weisel said, looking at Oscar. Crutchie grabbed his papes. He almost went up to Jack seeing if he wanted to sell with him but he saw Davey already had. Course newsies with the cute kid brother is first choice. The memory of when Jack first talked with Davey flashed back.

"Cause you got a kid brother and I don't" Sure Crutchie wasn't a kid anymore but what happened to the bum leg being a goldmine? What happened to being brothers?

"Gonna stand there all day kid?" Crutchie snapped back to the present. Jack had spoken to him.

"Oh no sorry. Ise gonna go." He started off.

"What was ya thinkin bout? Are youse okay?" Jack asked.

"Ise fine Jack and it was nothing important. Now Ise need to sell my papes." With that Crutchie limped off.

"Hey Miss! CouldI interest you in a pape?" Crutchie limped up to a young lady walking so his limp was noticeable but not exaggerated.

"Oh! Why I guess a paper would be nice." She didn't mention it but Crutchie knew she was giving him a glance of 'poor kid'. Crutchie hated it but he knew it was helpful. The lady gave him a dime and went on her way.

He went about selling his papes as usual. He finished selling and decided to go for a little walk.

Davey was hanging at Jacobi's with Jack and the other newsies.

"Hey where's Crutchie?" Jack said, suddenly glancing around quickly. Murmurs went around but all were unsure where the cheery blonde was. "Well we gots to find 'im!"

"I'll go look for him!" Davey offered. He enjoyed hanging out with the Newsies but they could be a bit much sometimes. Plus he could use some alone time with Crutchie.

"Okay youse and me can go lookin' for 'im." Jack looked at Davey.

"Oh I can go by myself. You stay and have fun." Davey sent a look to Jack that he needed to be alone. Jack caught this and nodded.

"Okay but be back by supper time!" Jack said as Davey started to leave.

Davey knew Crutchie sold near the Bronx so he headed near there. Around an hour later he found Crutchie.

"Crutchie!" He called the other boy. Crutchie spun around.

"Oh hey Dave."

"Where have you been?"

"Uh France. Joking! Just taking a walk." Crutchie shrugged laughing.

"Jack started to freak. We need to get back!" Davey said walking closer to Crutchie.

"Okay." Crutchie said. Both started back. "Hey Davey, how bout we'se take a shortcut. I know one so we can get back fast."

"Okay. As long as it is safe. It will be dark very soon." Davey said, he knew staying out very late in the middle of Autumn would be chilly and dangerous but he trusted Crutchie.

"Just follow me. And it's completely safe. Unless..." Crutchie paused.

"Unless?!" Davey said a spike of fear.

"I whack you and runs." Crutchie laughed. After seeing Davey's face he stopped to playfully punch his shoulder. "Haha lighten up! Only thing youse gotta worry about is me."

"Thank ya god." Davey let out a sigh of relief. "Stop scaring me like that."

The two walked through the streets Davey didn't know where they were but Crutchie seemed as confident as ever.

"Hey what was that?" Crutchie said, stopping.


"I heard a meow. Like a cat." Crutchie said pointing to a dark alleyway.

"Oh, I wasn't listening for that. Lets just keep going." Davey tried to keep going.

"No! If it's a cat in need we have to help it!" Crutchie grabbed Davey's arm looking at him with wide eyes. Davey sighed and the two walked into the alleyway. Crutchie shoved his spare hand into his pocket. Once the two were almost at the end of the alley Davey found himself on the ground.

Crutchie hit the back of Davey's knees knocking him to the ground. He towered over Davey as the boy started to sit up.

"What the-" Davey was cut off as Crutchie shoved him back down.

"I never was fond of you." Crutchie said quietly.

"Crutchie! What? What'd I do? What's wrong with you?" Crutchie only smiled in response to Davey's rapid confused speech.

"You think you can come in and just earn that trust? You think you can just become a brother in a bloody snap?" Crutchie hissed. "Everyone else took weeks to earn half the trust you got! Then you go and take Jack you bloody b*tch!" Tears started to make Crutchie's eyes shine.

"What are you talking about?" Davey tried to scramble up.

"You know what I mean. When my plan is done you won't have a bit of trust from my brothers." Crutchie helped Davey up only to send a punch to Davey's face. Davey realized he didn't have much of a choice in this. After the poor guy's head stopped spinning he punched Crutchie back, not full force but still painful.

"Good the b*tch is gonna fight back." Crutchie grinned, reaching back into his pocket.

"Crutchie just stop. I don't want to fight you! What came over you?" Davey pleaded.

"Fine fine. Im sorry. I don't know what came over me." Crutchie lowered his head. Davey kept his guard up. Good thing he did.

"Sike." Crutchie pulled a knife out of his pocket. Davey managed to dodge enough so only his arm was cut. Crutchie dropped the knife and shoved Davey's head into the wall rendering him unconscious.

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