Shut up! - Davey

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this a vent i wrote a while ago...     

tw// suicidal thoughts, self harm, 


He couldn't help it. He stared from where he lay on the floor.

Your such a fucking pussy. No one will miss you anyway. Get your ass up and make a damn cut. Then you can sleep forever.

"Shut up!" He whispered. Davey didn't want to move. Laying on the floor was the only coping mechanism he had available now.

You know I'm right. All they give a flying shit about are your grades. No one gives a damn you have a 3.96 GPA, you had 5 missing assignments.

He felt tears silently and slowly fall from the corner of his eyes. He didn't feel anything anymore, he would get pissed or he'd get sad but when that's all you feel then it gets boring.

"I know-" Davey's voice shook as he whispered to himself.

The floor around him refused to swallow him. He could see the pocket knife, he could see his room he didn't even like. All the broken fucking promises and sleepless nights.

It was catching up to him and didn't know how much he could take.

Can't they see I'm fucking trying?

No one gives a shit you worthless waste of space. Just off yourself and do everyone the favor.

But Les will miss me.

No, he won't. All you are is a massive bitch to him who he doesn't even know you love him.

Exactly, I love him.

It would be so much easier if you just killed yourself.

Davey picked at the scars on his thighs.

Make some more.

He started to sob. Maybe that voice was right.

5 mg of melatonin from gummies and he still couldn't sleep. He couldn't get the balls to be honest and get some help.

You remember when she calls you 'worthless and useless' and know you know she is right. Your boyfriend deserved way fucking better.

He groaned when he heard the screech of the lights and every little noise.

He rolled face down and covered his ears.

What the hell's the point? Maybe those are signs to listen to the voice in your head.

But Davey knew he didn't want to die, never had. He just wanted something better than the hell he had to live.

Other people have it way worse. You waste oxygen and yet you can't even stand up to the voice inside your head.

He cried himself to sleep. 

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