Stop Lying- final part

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Once he was back at the lodge he noticed Jack was there. Jack squinted at Crutchie then walked up stairs.

"Jack?" Crutchie called limping over to the stairs. He heard the footsteps pause for a moment then continued walking. Crutchie decided to follow, Jack hadn't spoken to Crutchie since he sent Davey home that night. Jack wasn't in any of the upstairs rooms leaving only one spot, the rooftop. Crutchie made his way up to the rooftop carefully.

"What are ya doing up here?" Jack asked his voice cold as he faced away from Crutchie looking out at the city.

"Ise just wanted to speak with you." Crutchie stood just aside from the ladder not sure if getting close was a good idea.

"Goin' to the Jacobs place tonight huh?" Jack still didn't turn but Crutchie didn't need to see Jack's face to know rage was simmering and his voice would have dripped with it if it was not frozen.

"Yeah, Ise am. Ise spoke to Davey's sister, she invited me. Is that a problem?" The question came out harsher than he wanted it to.

"No. No it's not. A newsie going to a brand new place with people theys don't know all alone, without a word to others in advance. Sounds totally safe! Especially you going." Jack turned at the final sentence, his voice dripping with cold sarcasm. His eyes shot a bullet at Crutchie at the word you.

"I was about to come tell you but be a b!tch and maybe I won't. The h*ll did I do to you?"

The face Jack made was the same as when Davey told him to lighten up after a rumble with Brooklyn.

"You know what you did. Now get out of my sight." Jack sent a final glare before turning back around. Crutchie hesitated a little bit before headed down. He washed up as much he could before going towards where he said he'd meet Sarah.

"Crutchie!" Sarah shouted when she caught sight of him. Crutchie noticed Davey and Les were standing where she had been. Crutchie waved as he continued walking towards her. "Mama and Papa said that we can meet you here. David said that you may feel better meeting out here."

"Yeah, Ise not super good 'round new people." Crutchie said scratching at the back of his neck. Sarah led him back to her brothers.

"Hi Crutchie!" Les said excitedly.

"Hello." Davey said, his voice was void of emotion.

"Hiya Les. Hello Davey, how've youse been?"

"Fine. You?" Davey looked tired and his face was blank yet his eyes held the exact opposite. His green eyes were shiny and full of a whirlwind of emotion. His stature was almost lousy.

"Ise been good. Why hasn't youse been hangin round da newsies?" Davey paled at the question and stayed in silence.

"Hey how about I give you two some privacy. Come on Les." Sarah awkwardly broke the silence. Panic spread over Davey's face as his siblings walked away. He mouthed 'no' but his siblings were already walking away.

"So Davey why hasn't youse been hangin round us newsies no more?" Crutchie repeated in a completely different tone.

"Stop it Charlie." Davey snapped. Crutchie blinked in shock, who told Davey his name?

"Who told you that?" Crutchie hissed.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Davey sneered hoping if he stood up for himself Crutchie would back off.

"Ise would and ya gonna tell me." Crutchie smirked.

"Am I though? Would you really risk it here? Near Central Park, with my family right over there?" Davey's face now held anger but his eyes still filled with panic.

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