We had so much fun... - Mike and Ike

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Mike and Ike + some Ikeshot. the Tw is later and is marked so you can enjoy most of it. Based off I built a friend by Alec Benjamin. small tw in it though is unaccepting parents. 

i built a friend with three pieces of plastic and a pen, i made him on the table in the den,

mike and ike were 6 years old, scribbling on a box with markers and a sheet of clear plastic.

"look mike! it's a ship!" ike smiled widely, imagination running wild. the twins scrambled into the box.

"we can sail the roaring seas! like pirates!" mike allowed ike to take the "wheel". laughter and shouts filled the room.

i gave him my old cell phone for a head, for a head.

a few years later at the age of 14 mike figured out he was asexual aromatic. he told there parents and they said he was confused and that he shouldn't get 'those ideas' in his head at his age. mike, heartbroke and in a bad head space, ran from home. disappearing for a week then finding ike again.

"ike? ike!"


the two ran towards each other embracing each other in a crushing hug.

"i thought you were dead! where have you been?" ike asked, teary eyed.

"i ran when mother and father said i wasn't accepted. i found a place for orphans or runaways. ms medda takes care of us all, all my new friends."

"oh mike. mother and father want you back. they realized they didn't want to lose a so over something as dumb as who you love or don't love." ike said.

"really?" mike asked, hopefully. ike nodded, tears now falling.

"well tell them that they should have realized that beforehand. ms medda loves everyone no matter what, she makes sure all the other newsies do to. you could come with us! away from strict parents, a new family!" mike exclaimed.

"mike. i can't just leave ma and pa. they love you. i love you(as a brother of course)."

"well so does the newsies. ma and pa ain't family any more. but you will alway be my brother."

"well i can't change anything that has happened. i will alway be there for you. here." ike pressed his old phone into mikes hand.

"ike, you don't have to give me this." mike said, hesitant to take it.

"i have another one. i want you to always be able to talk to me. how about i go meet your new friends?" ike suggested. ike was welcomed into the newsies as well. the twins quickly bonded with davey who also had a family.

and we spent holidays in my house, and we left presents in the stocking

ms medda made sure holidays with the newsies were celebrated a day early or a day late so the newsies with families could spend the holidays with family as well. medda had a giant stocking that the newsies filled with presents for each other.

and we bought bolts and things and strings and a new watch, thats what he got.

ike bought mike a lot of fidgets to help with mikes increased stress and anxiety. mike, in return, saved up for a watch ike had been wanting for a long time. ike helped mile grow braver and more confident. mile helped ike to remain patient and perserverint.

and we had so much fun together. we knew we'd be friends forever. we had so much fun together. we had so much fun.

mike and ike were inseparable. they were closer then jack amd crutchie. joining the newsies crazy shenanigans and pulling pranks. they survived high school together the other being a lifeline to the other.

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