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I couldn't think of a title but eh. Have some sprace with Race being a pain.

"Racetrack Edward Higgins."


The look of utter disappointment on Spot Conlons face when Race walked in was remarkable. Not even Davey could top it. Could Race blame him? No. Not when Race walked in the house covered in twigs, leaves, mud and vomit.

"Your clothes are a mess. And brand new."

"Hey they resemble me!" Race smiled.

"You stink." Spot said, pulling his shirt over his nose.

"So do's you but I ain't complainin' am I?"

"So what happened this time?" Spot said. Race went to speak then doubled over laughing. Spot looked very unamused and glanced at the clock. 11:04pm it read.

"I- pft Albert got drunk-" Laugh break. "We to-ok a shortcut." Laugh break. "Through woods."

"Race. You know better! Try and be half coherent. Albert got drunk and you shortcut through the woods." Spot said irritatedly.

"Sorry. It didn't work." A snort. "Got a cab home. He got carsick, used me as a bag. Oh yeah we fell in a mud puddle outside his house." Race went to walk somewhere in the house. Spot who had been leaning on the counter in the kitchen not super far away.

"Uh no! Stay out of the living room. Shower then we are having a talk." Spot said sternly.

"What kind of talk?" Race said slowly.

"Your sugar intake." Spot said. Race paled. "You're shaking and obviously sugar high."

"Okay. Thought it was something else. Be back soon."

Around 15 minutes later a slightly calmer and much cleaner Race. Spot sat up on the couch flicking the TV off. He patted the seat next to him and Race sat down.

"How much sugar have you had?" Spot asked. Race ponders for a minute.

"A slice or two of cake, some ice cream and some candy I won at an arcade." Crutchie had a birthday party, Spot had work so he couldn't attend, he bought a gift though. The party was at an arcade place with some bowling and a bar since Crutchie turned 22.

"And for dinner?" Spot knew that Race didn't do well without enough protein.

"Like three motzerella sticks." Race said quietly. Spot looked disapprovingly for a moment.

"You gotta have something to eat. Peanut butter, meat,beans, protein of some sort. Focus on how you're feeling, psychically."

"Uh lightheaded and kinda weak." Race said.

"See? What do you wanna eat?" Spot asked.

"Who said that was from not eating?"


"Kinda weak in the knees from you being a softy." Race grinned, drumming his hands on the couch. Spot went to say something but Race cut him off. "Lightheaded from you being serious."

"That doesn't make any sense." Spot frowned.

"Yes it's do. Lightheadedness comes from blood rushing away from your head blushing does the opposite. Youse bein' serious party pooper makes it stop." Race said smugly. Race continued to be hyper not speaking, suddenly interested in the wood pattern of the coffee table.

"D*mn you being smart." Spot sighed. "It's okay, you are gonna have one h*ll of a sugar crash."

"Look at the pattern in the wood. It looks like you!" Race giggled.

"It does not!" Spot protested, crossing his arms.

"Ooh look toddler Spot!" Race leaned over and booped Spot's nose, his movements exaggerated.

"Be more mature." Spot frowned, his face red and arms now uncrossed.

"Says youse." Race stuck out his tongue and closed his eyes.

"I'm more mature than you."

"You're the size of a toddler. Plus Disney will probably never go back to its old style of animation." Race said blank faced and waited for impact.

"B*tch I am 5 foot 5 and a half. Don't make fun of me you noodle limb tall *ss." Spot glared then his face fell. "The older Disney movies were so much better. Now it's all Frozen bs and live action remakes. The h*ll happened to good original stuff?!"

Race smiled and watched Spot launch into a spiral. Spot stopped and saw Race half asleep on the couch. Spot stopped and took a deep breath before grabbing Race carefully off the couch. Race clung to Spot until they reached bed Race was asleep and pulled Spot down with him.

"Cuddle." Race muttered. Spot moved to get comfortable and reached over to turn off the lamp. Kissing Races forehead he then went to sleep.

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