Chapter Twelve- Edited

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 The fire had spread throughout the building, Clark was saving the people he could while I was putting out fires. But the stench of the burning flesh was making it difficult to focus. After all the fires were put out, I walked out as Clark managed to bring out one more person from the debris. He places them on the stretcher as a paramedic walked over the woman. Clark was looking over the woman as the paramedic kept glancing between the patient and Clark.

"Thank you. I'm going to need a little room." I heard the paramedic say to Clark. Clark stood, looking over everyone before turning to face the body bags. His shoulders slumped as one of the police offices closed one more body bag. Clark looks to Lois who is staring at us but not in shock. More like concern. Clark then looked at me and I could see it in his eyes. The guilt. The sorrow. Not even a second later, he jumps into the sky with a loud boom. I look over to Lois as she turns to face me.

'Go back to your hotel room. I'll meet you there.'

Lois looked back to the sky for a moment, then back towards me, nodding in response. She turned around and walked away while I took to the sky, going above the clouds and smoke, using them to hide me from the crowd below. It didn't take me long to find her hotel, so I landed on the roof. I walked over the roof door and used my telekinesis to unlock the door and walked in. I made sure to close the door behind me, looking around to see if anyone was watching and luckily no one was. My stomach was turning, and the smell of the burning flesh was catching up with me. I met up with Lois on the way to her room, as she was unlocking the door.

"Rose-" Lois didn't even get a chance to finish her sentence before I rushed through the door and ran to the bathroom. I hunched over the toilet and emptied my guts; I didn't even get a chance to pull my hair out of my face. Luckily, Lois was hot on my tail, pulling my hair out of my face. After emptying my stomach, I took a minute to catch my breath, lean against the wall and flush the toilet. Lois stood up, grabbing the glass on the counter and filling it with water before handing it to me. "Are you okay?" She asked as she rubbed my arm in comfort. I took a few more breaths before giving her a response.

"I'm okay. I've been feeling that all day. I'm just glad I was able to get to the restroom before it had a chance to be worse." I say, taking another sip from my cup of water. I stand up, straighten my clothes and walk out of the bathroom and take a step into the room. Lois stood behind me, turned on the tv and instantly was met with what happened today at the capitol. Lois and I sat down on the bed just watching the news. Lois just sat down and watched while I pulled out my phone and began to call Clark. He didn't answer.

"Clark, It's me. Please call me back. I'm worried. I love you." I say before hanging up and trying again. Clark still didn't answer, and I've already called him about seven times. "Clark, it's me again. Can you-" I stopped when I saw Clark standing on the balcony. I hung up the phone, gave a glance towards Lois before walking to the balcony door. I opened the door, Lois standing behind me and leaned against the door frame, neither of us saying a word.

"I didn't see it, Ro. Standing right there and I didn't see it." Clark said, keeping his gaze on the streets below.

"I was standing there too, Clark. We both didn't see it." I tried, letting him know that he wasn't dealing with this alone.

"Clark, there are people behind this." Lois tried as well as Clark snapped his gaze at us.

"I'm afraid I didn't see it because I wasn't looking. All this time, I've been living my life the way father saw it. Righting wrongs for ghost. Thinking I'm here to do good. Superman was never real. Just the team of a farmer from Kansas." Clark said

"That farmer's dream is all some people have. It's all that gives them hope." I place my hand over his crest. His symbol. "This means something." I speak.

Call Sign: Phoenix (Clark Kent x OC) Winter's Children BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now