Chapter Four- Edited

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"That was delicious, Martha. Thank you." I say as I begin gathering the dishes. Martha was going to stop me but I beat her to it. "Don't try and stop me, Martha. You have fed me and it would be rude of me not to help with the dishes. Please let me do this." I asked as politely as I could. Martha gave a soft smile and sigh before nodding in reluctance. 

    "Alright, Rose but at least get Clark to help you." Martha started but Clark was also already ahead of her by taking his own dishes to the sink. 

    "Don't worry, Mom. We got it covered." Clark said, smiling towards his mother. Martha smiled again and just walked outsides for a moment. Clark turned on the tv to watch football as we did the dishes. 

    "Dinner was great, Clark. I will admit, it truly was the best spaghetti I've had in a while." I say. Clark arches and eyebrow and turns to face me. 

    "When was the last time you had a home cooked meal, Ro?" He asked. I paused for a moment, really thinking about the answer those question. 

    "Well, I was on a mission about two months before I arrived here so that would make it about six months ago." I explained, grabbing the plate and cleaning it with a sponge. 

    "Really? Six months? Why so long?" He asked. 

    "Well, at home, my siblings and I work for a... certain subjection of the government that mother and uncle worked for. In order to keep the world safe, we are sent out into the world to talk down world threats. In order for us to do so, we need to go undercover and scout the areas. So, when undercover, we have to stay hidden, meaning we can't get decent food. We basically eat MRE's and let me tell you, I'll will gladly take this over an MRE any day." I explained, flicking my gaze over to Clark. He chuckled and takes the plate from my hands to dry it. Our gazes snap towards the door when Martha called out for Clark. I smile and turn back to Clark. "Go. I got this." I say, grabbing another dirty plate. 

    "You sure?" Clark asked. I arched my eyebrow and jut out my hip in sass. 

    "Clark, it's dishes. Not rocket science. I got it. Go. Your mom called you." I say, chuckling towards the end of my sentence. Clark rolled his eyes playfully and nudged me, causing me to giggle, before he put down the drying rag and walked outside to his mother. It didn't take more than five minutes to finish the dishes so i cleaned off the counter when the tv cut out and was replaced with static. 

    "My name is General Zod." A distorted voice said over the static as a figure appeared over the static. I walk around the counter to get a closer look at the screen. "I come from a world far from yours. I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach you. For some time, your world has sheltered one of my citizens. I request that you return this individual to my custody. For reasons unknown he has chosen to keep his existence a secret from you. He will have made efforts to blend in. He will look like you, but he is not one of you." He was talking about Clark. I heard Clark's footsteps as he drew closer to me, his eyes glued to the screen like my own. I could feel the fear radiating off of Martha as she stood behind us. "To those of you who may know of his current location, the fate of your planet rests in your hands. To Kal-El, I say this. Surrender within twenty-four hours, or watch this world suffer the consequences. Oh, and bring your little fire friend too."

    The message finally ends and the lightbulb in the kitchen pops, causing Martha to jump in terror. I manage to catch the broken glass from hitting the ground using my telekinesis as Clark holds his mother in comfort. Clark and I look towards each other, unsure of how to handle the situation that was just presented to us.

    The next morning, I could feel the heaviness of the decision weighing on Clark's mind and to be honest, it was weighing heavily on mine as well. It almost felt too much. When I left the guest room, I walked straight outside to get some fresh air but I stop when I see Clark already sitting on the porch steps. I take another deep breath before sitting next to him. He didn't move or tear his gaze away from the fields in front of us. We sat in silence for a moment when he finally spoke. 

Call Sign: Phoenix (Clark Kent x OC) Winter's Children BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now