Chapter Twenty

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I turn over on my side, burying deeper into the pillow fort when I open my eyes. Clark was smiling at me, his dark hair contrasting against the white sheets, pillows and blanket. His piercing blue eyes so full of life that it brings tears to my eyes. A small frown reaches his brow as he cupped my cheek, wiping away the tears. 

"Hey, hey. There's no need for that. Why the tears?" He asked. It took all I have not to sob. 

"Why the tears?" I repeat "Clark, you're gone. This isn't real. You're not really here. It's getting so hard without you in the real world. I almost lost the baby." I say, placing a hand over my womb. He placed his hand over my mine then smiled.

"You didn't. Our little one is healthy and strong." The he looked into my eyes. "You are strong, Ro." I shake my head and cup his face. 

"I'm not strong, Clark. I can't do this without you." I begged. He gently shushed me, kissing me on the temple.

"You are the strongest woman I know. Need I remind you who taught me to fly?"  He said causing my to chuckle. "You have this in the bag. There is no doubt about it." There was a knocking sound echoing throughout the room. I could feel my body waking up. I held onto him as tightly as I could but it felt like something was pulling me away. 

"I love you."

I take deep breath, my eyes snapping open as the knocking became louder. I close my eyes and reach out with my mind. I search just beyond my door. Martha was standing there, knocking. I use my telekinesis to unlock and open the door as I toss the blanket over my body. I sit up, rubbing my face. I walk out of the bedroom just as Martha walked into the living room. 

"Thank you for letting me in. I thought I should drop by and see how you were doing- Woah." Martha started, dropping her purse onto the coffee table. Her hands up almost in surrender as she stared in shock at my belly. I send her a confused look and glance down at my belly. I sigh and drop my hands down to my sides. 

"Well that answers that question

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"Well that answers that question. An upside of my species or a downside, depending on who's looking." I say. I would say I was close to seventeen weeks along. Martha began to smile and gave a look as if to ask to touch. I gave a small nod and walked over to her. She gently placed her hands on my belly. The baby responded by giving a light kick which caused Martha and I to give a soft laugh. 

"A strong little one. Still want to the gender a surprise?" She asked, looking up at me. I smile and look into her eyes and for some odd reason, I got a strange feeling off of her. 

"You bet. I don't want to know right now. It doesn't seem right." I say, walking into the kitchen. "Would you like some coffee?" I asked her. She gives a nod and sits down at the dining room table. I grab a mug for her and pour the coffee, cream, and sugar, stirring it as I walked up to her. 

"I went to the Daily Planet to finally pick up Clark's things." Martha chuckles to herself "I don't know why. Nowhere to put them now. I lost the farm. I'd been behind on the payments for a while. Truth is, the house is too big for me to live in by myself, anyway." Martha said.

Call Sign: Phoenix (Clark Kent x OC) Winter's Children BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now