Chapter Three- Edited

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 It didn't take us long to arrive in Smallville, Kansas with our combined speed. We had to find a clothing shop since Clark left his bag in the arctic so he had to stay hidden while I had to buy him some new clothes. Sad thing about buying the clothes was that he wasn't there to try them on and had to change into the clothes in an alley. But when he came around the corner wearing the half button down lilac shirt, an off-white flannel like over shirt, and dark denim somewhat baggy pants. I was able to also purchase a light blue cap and dark brown shoes. 

It looked nice but at least it was something he could wear and walk around in

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It looked nice but at least it was something he could wear and walk around in. But now I need to change from what I normally wear and my dumb ass self didn't think to buy myself some clothes so we had to go back into the store to get me some clothes. Clark sat down in the viewing area while I grabbed a few things to try on. I keep coming out and showcasing them to him which he smiles with each outfit.

"Rose, you look amazing in every outfit. I don't understand why you're worrying as much about what you're going to wear." He tried to reassure me but I wasn't having it.

"Clark, we've known each other for about four months now and I'm about to meet your mother. I need to look presentable because I definitely don't want her to hate me." I said, going back into the changing room to try on one more outfit. Clark laughs as I change.

"Rose, mom is going to love you. You don't have to worry about that." He said. I take a deep breath as I remove my clothes.

"You don't know that." I say. I pause when I realized something. "You aren't using your x-ray vision to see me change, are you?" I ask, looking over my shoulder at the closed door as if I was looking at Clark himself. He chuckled.

"One, I would never do that to you. I respect your privacy and two, I do know. You forgot she raised me." He commented. I could hear the smile on his face and it bring one to my own lips.

"Well, I don't know. Clark, all I've ever done are missions. Being under cover is what I'm trained for. I've never met a civilian as Rose Barnes. It's kinda intimidating." I say, fixing my hair once I've had the latest outfit put on. "I think this is it." I say, stepping out of the dressing room with my hair fixed and clothes adjusted(no necklace).

" I say, stepping out of the dressing room with my hair fixed and clothes adjusted(no necklace)

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Call Sign: Phoenix (Clark Kent x OC) Winter's Children BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now