Chapter One- Edited

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I jolt awake, panting hard and sitting up straight from the ground. I take in my surrounding and take note that I am in the middle of a forest. I looked down at myself and see nothing out of place so at least I wasn't assaulted while I was out. I quickly stood up and dusted myself off of mud and grass. I began walking straight, hoping for the love of God I was walking in the direction of a street. Fortunately, I was right. I found a road which was empty so now I need to find civilization. I closed my eyes and focused all of my energy on my telepathy to find any minds nearby and luckily, I was able to find a small gathering of minds about a mile east. I frowned in confusion when I had trouble reading the minds of the people there especially one mind that I could read at all. I open my eyes and head in the direction of these minds. Within an hour, I made it to a small bar with semi and pick-up trucks parked outside. I check my back pockets and there was nothing there. I then checked my leather jacket for anything that could pay for food or at least a drink. Luckily, I found my wallet and just so happened to have a minimum of a hundred dollars in twenties. I sigh in relief and walked into the small bar. I found a seat at the bar counter and sat down.

"Haven't seen you here before." I looked up to see a gorgeous god of a man looking at me with a smile on his face. 

    To be honest, I was shocked

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    To be honest, I was shocked. I froze. Wow was the first thing that came to mind and his smile deepened as he looked down at the counter in front of us, blushing. I then realized that I had said that out loud.

"I'm sorry. That was meant to stay in my head." I said which caused us to chuckle in embarrassment.

"It's okay. You're just the first person to say that to me." He said. I frown and shook my head.

"What? No. I refuse to believe that. " I said which caused him to give a small laugh. "Um, to what you said before. No, I am not from around here. I was actually lost and found this a little place when my stomach decide it need food and a drink." I explained which caused him chuckle again.

"What would you like start out with, ma'am?" He asked and I gave a small look of disgust.

"Please, call me Rose. Ma'am makes me feel like you're talking to my mother. " I got him to laugh again. "What would you recommend?" I asked. He thought for a moment and before making eye contact with me.

"Our Monday special is really good. Steak with gravy on a bed of rice with a side of fries." He explained.

"My mouth just watered at the thought of that. That sounds perfect." I said, sat a little straighter while it unintentionally pulling my shirt down. I felt the air a little lower on my chest which caused me to pull my shirt up. "I swear that was on accident." I say, smiling to myself in embarrassment.

"I bet it was." He said almost sarcastically which caused me to roll my eyes playfully. He smiled and wrote down my order. "And what drink would you like?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment, looking at the drinks when I finally found one, I recognized.

Call Sign: Phoenix (Clark Kent x OC) Winter's Children BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now