Chapter Ten- Edited

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His face was popping up all over history, blurred photos being clear after hours of searching for them. The man. I began running facial recognition last night and this is what I've been getting. Clark just came back from the arctic, he just pulled a cargo ship to safety. He's been all the talk on the news lately. News anchor titles stating that our actions are political.

"Are there any moral constraints on these people" We have international law. On this Earth, every act is a political act." I rolled my eyes and switched the channel which happens to be another news channel with a blogger on the screen, sitting next to Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

"Human beings have a horrible track record of following people with great power, down paths that lead to human monstrosities. We have always created icons in our own image. What we've done is we project ourselves onto them. The fact is, maybe they are not some sort of devil or Jesus characters. Maybe they are just people trying to do the right thing. Neil DeGrasse Tyson decided to add to this topic.

"We're talking about beings whose very existence challenges our own sense of priority in the universe. If you go back to Copernicus, where the sun restored and the center of the known universe, displacing Earth. And you get Darwinian evolution, and you find out, we're not special on this Earth. We're just one among other life forms and now we learned that we're not even special in the entire universe because there is Superman and there is Phoenix. There they are, aliens, among us. We're not alone." I rolled my eyes. I threw my popcorn at the screen.

"I'm not an alien!" I yelled at the screen just as Clark walked through the door. He gives me an arch eyebrow as he hangs his coat on the coat rack, but I know he heard everything that was going on in our living room. I point at him. "You're an alien. You are not from Earth. I am a super soldier from Earth." I say, yelling the last sentence at the televise screen. Clark chuckled as he walked over to me and placed a kiss on my temple before walking to the kitchen.

"Technically, you are an alien here. You are from Earth but you're not from this earth." Clark commented, earning a small glare from me. Once his back was turned, I threw a few pieces of popcorn at his back as hard as I could. I knew he could feel it, but I can tell that it didn't hurt him. It's freaking popcorn. When he felt it hit his back, he could help but laugh out loud at my childlike behavior. I put the popcorn down on the coffee table and walked over to our bedroom doorway.

"How was work today?" I asked as Clark was chaining into his comfy clothes.

"Long and boring as usual..." Clark came around the corner and trailed off one his eyes landed on the television screen behind me. I frown at his reaction and follow his gaze. An entire town was flooded, rapid waters filled with debris were running through homes and people were standing on their roofs. The camera even cuts to a family painting the superman symbol on the roof. Other roofs had the same symbol or a painting of a fire bird, a Phoenix. The people were calling for us. I looked back at Clark as he looked at me.

"We need to go." I say to him. I was about to run to our room to change but he grabbed hold of my arm, stopping me from taking another step.

"Wait." he said. Then he closed his eyes and turned his head as if he was listening to something else. Then his eyes snapped open then he looked back at me. "Don't go to the flooding. Something else is going to happen. Go to the NASA launch base. They don't know there is a malfunction with the shuttle. You need to go there. Understand?" He asked. I was going to talk back, saying I wanted to go with him but then I remembered, the flooding, I wouldn't be much help in that kind of scenario. Also, what's the point of having two superheroes if they don't divide and conquer the world's problems? I took a deep breath then I nodded towards it. He then pulled me into a quick kiss then pulled away again to quickly change into our hero clothes. 

Call Sign: Phoenix (Clark Kent x OC) Winter's Children BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now