Chapter Eleven- Edited

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Clark and I argued again. It got loud. Really loud. I actually had to call Lois and ask to sleep at her apartment while she was away. She was kind enough to let me sleep while Clark stayed home alone. We even arrived separately to work in silence. I kept my distance from him unless I absolutely needed to speak to him. I was about to hand him some sample pic when I saw him staring at the television screen where Senator Finch was speaking to the press, while the man who was arrested from a few weeks sitting next to her. He was clean shaven, presentable, I guess, staring at the sea of people with flashing cameras.

"How do we determine what's good?" She started. "In a democracy, good is a conversation not a unilateral decision. So, I urge Superman and Phoenix to come to this hearing of the people tomorrow. To see those who have suffered. The world needs to know what happened in that desert. And to know what they stand for. How far will they take their power? Do they act by our will or by their own?" She asked. Clark turned to me, not saying a word but I could tell that this was weighing on his mind and my own. Clark and I sighed in unison before continuing our shifts for the day. We stayed silent when we got home, putting our things away in the proper places and changing into our comfy clothes. I made dinner while Clark sat in silence on the couch. I could tell he was deep in thought considering he didn't turn on the television or open his computer so when I was making dinner, I decided to change what I was going to make for dinner. A few minutes later and dinner was done. I grabbed our plates and placed his plate in front of him on the coffee table. He looks down at the plate as I take a seat next to him. He takes a bite of his food and stops mid chew when he takes the flavor. He then looks at me when a confused frown. I gave him a smile.

"You used mom's recipe?" he asked. I nodded.

"I remember when you helped your mother make spaghetti that night. We had just arrived after speaking with Lois, when I met your father. I remember you saying that your father told you that the world wasn't ready to see you yet. Not as Superman. We went to your mother not long after and she was worried about people taking you away from her. In situations like this, where it's harder to come to a decision, a parent seems to give very sound advice." Clark took a deep breath as I placed my hand in the middle of his shoulder blades, rubbing comforting circles on his back. "And if there is one thing I know, is that Martha Kent gives very sound advice." I say, looking down at my own plate of food. "She also makes better spaghetti than my dad and that's saying something." I joked which earned a small chuckle from Clark. He then looked at me with a smile.

"You know, for someone who isn't a mother yet, you seem to give very sound advice too." Clark said, smiling at me. I placed my own hand over my stomach and moving my other hand into his.

"Well, we are trying to be parents. I guess I'm just getting a little head start." I say to which Clark turned his gaze to my stomach, placing his hand over my own. He held his gaze there for a long moment to which I frown in confusion. "What?" I asked. He just shook his head with a small smile.

"Nothing. I'm just excited for when we do conceive our little bundle of joy. Something tells me we won't have to wait very long." Clark said. We took a breath in unison; our temples were gently pressed together and our eyes closed. Clark placed a small, gentle and quick kiss, before pulling his lips away. We paused a moment, looking into each other eyes before pulling each other into a deep passionate kiss. He placed his hands on my hips and places me on his lap while my own hand cup his face. He stands up, and walks us to the bedroom, leaving our food to cool.

He wasn't in his spot again. I opened my eyes and he wasn't on his side of the bed but this time there was a note on his bed.

If you read this before I'm back,

Call Sign: Phoenix (Clark Kent x OC) Winter's Children BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now