Chapter Nineteen

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We watched as helicopters surrounded island, soldiers and scientists speaking to the survivors while we watched from different vantage point. I was sitting on a rock, staring over to Diana as I rubbed my neck. Steppenwolf managed to leave a pretty disgusting bruise around my neck and it's definitely taking a minute for my healing to kick in. It's strange. My healing has never delayed before and it definitely has me worried.

"It called to him. The Motherbox. The one he already has." Diana said, turning to face all of us. She then walks over to me, resting her hand on my shoulder.

"He has two. He took the Motherbox from Atlantis." The atlantean explained. Arthur Curry, the half breed Atlantean. Apparently, this is who Bruce went to see and recruit. I'm glad he's had a change of heart. I groan and rub the bridge of my nose.

"Of course he does. Two down, one to go. Which one does he need now, Diana?" I asked, resting my hands on my knees and staring at the ground. My head was spinning and my vision was becoming blurry. I have no idea what's going on but whatever it is, it's messing with everything.

"He needs the last Box of Man." She explained.

"If he doesn't already have it." Bruce jumped in. The feeling begins to take wash over my while body. Just then, Victor landed in front of Diana and Bruce in a stereotypical hero landing while carrying a box. Of course he knew where the last box was. I mean he was literally made from it.

"He doesn't have it. I do." Victor said almost menacingly. I groan, catching everyone's attention. I look over to Diana, my hand clutching my shirt over my womb.

"Something's wrong, Diana. Something's wrong." I say, sliding down the rock I was sitting only and resting on the floor. Diana and Nate rush to my sides, touching my shoulders and looking over me to see if they could find any major injuries. I grab onto my brother's hand, squeezing tightly as I can, stress and pain tensing my whole body. "I'm not healing. Nate, the baby." I say in a pained whisper.

I looked over to see everyone staring at me. Barry and Bruce looking very concerned while Arthur and Victor looked at me confused.  I felt a very sharp pain in my abdomen causing me to yell out as tears filled my eyes. I tried to calm my breathing, closing my eyes as I hunch over my knees. I tried to keep my body from heating up out of fear of burning Diana and Nate.

"You're pregnant?" I hear Victor ask. I keep my eyes closed but I nod anyway. I'm afraid to move. I don't want to burn anyone and I'm scared that if I move, I'll be in more pain or worse hurt the baby. I'm very afraid for the baby.

"You're pregnant and you still fought? Do you know how stupid that sounds? Do you realize the danger you just put your baby through?" Arthur snapped. I open my eyes and snap my gaze towards Arthur, my eyes glowing in fury.

"Look, new guy, you may not know this but I am a super soldier. I am stronger than most people and I can take a lot of hits before I tap out. That means that my child is at least as strong as I am. Do you know why I wasn't that worried when I went into that fight? I wasn't worried because my I know my child is already ten times stronger than I am. Do you want to know why I know that?" I asked, waiting fro him to respond. When he didn't, I took that as my cue to continue.

"My child is half kryptonian." Arthur stared at me in shock, as did Barry and Victor. "Yeah. That's right. Superman was the father of my child. I believe that it is safe to assume that my child is basically indestructible and this is the first time I have ever had a complication with my pregnancy. Okay? So I would appreciate it if you wouldn't lecture me right now if you aren't going to help." I snap.

"Heat your body up." I look over to Victor, confused. He walks over to me and kneels in front of me. "Your baby is fine. It's you that is hurt. You're bleeding internally and you need to heat your body up to kickstart your healing. If you don't stop to focus on healing, you will die. Now focus." Victor urged.

Call Sign: Phoenix (Clark Kent x OC) Winter's Children BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now