Chapter Two- Edited

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 It wasn't that long before we finally landed a job on the military base. They all believe that they found something extraterrestrial. I've managed to sneak into the tech rooms to examine their findings. Good thing that Uncle Tony taught me a thing or two about military grade tech. I heard the sound of helicopter blades spinning, then Clark quickly but quietly knocked on the door, letting me know that we have to move, or someone will get suspicious of us. I quietly closed the door behind me, and we both quickly walked over to the landing pad, acting as naturally as possible. A woman was walked out of the helicopter as we walked up to help unload the helicopter.

"Joe! Elaine! Help her out." One of the guides instructed. I arched an eyebrow as we grabbed her bags.

"What the hell do you think we're doing? Making snowmen?" I muttered under my breath in which Clark chuckled under his breath, letting me know that he heard me.

"Careful with those. They're heavy." The woman cautioned as she walked away with the guide. I grabbed one bag, lifting it with ease. I turned to face Clark and the others when I realized I was getting a few looks from the other crew members. I react quickly, pretending to struggle with the bag, letting it fall to the snowy ground. Clark picked up the bag along with the one still inside the helicopter as we turned to follow the crew.

"Of course, the alien would have no problem lifting heavy bags while I have to play the weak skinny girl. You know what, it's fine. You can do all the heavy lifting. I was trained to be sneak anyway. I'm sneaky." I say as I playfully glare at Clark in which he actually laughed out loud. I smiled and then lifted the heavy bag over my shoulder with two arms.

"Don't say stuff like that so loudly. You do know where we are, right?" He was serious but he had a smile on his face as he stopped laughing. I smiled over to him.

"I know. I would never openly do that to you. Plus, if anyone found out, it wouldn't be hard to take that memory away. No one here knows how to close their minds. Unfortunately, they would be very easy to control if someone had that kind of power." I explained. He arches an eyebrow as we set the woman's bags down in their designated spot. I then turned to face him. "I forgot to ask, why the name Joe?" I asked as we walked out of the trailer/tent. We walked at a leisurely pace back to our tent.

"It's a nickname for my middle name." He explained. I then gave him a look as if asking what his middle name was. He playfully rolled his eyes as we walked through the threshold of our shared trailer. "My middle name is Joseph. Clark Joseph Kent." He said as I shut the door behind us. We both removed our coats and got comfy. When I made eye contact with him again, he had this look on his face that I could quite read. I laid down on my cot and leaned against the wall with the pillow under my back.

"What?" I asked as I tilted my head in confusion. Before answering, he chose to get just as comfy as I did, moving his pillow in the same position as mine. He leans against it, placing a foot on his cot and wrapping his hands around his knee, lacing his fingers together.

"Are you really going to make me ask after answering your questions?" He asked as his shoulders slumped in relaxation. I tried to get a read of his mind, and I have gotten better. Just snippets of what he was thinking but I'll take that over nothing. Offering a quick glance of his thoughts, from what I could see, I smiled and looked down at my lap as I crossed my legs, placing my hands in the space between them.

"My answer is the same as yours except it's not a nickname. My middle name is actually Elaine. Rose Elaine Barnes." I explained. He tilts his head, thinking about my name, even mouthing it. I playfully roll my eyes and throw my pillow across the room and hit him in the face. He looked shocked but recovered with a smile and threw it back at me. "It's nothing special. It's just me." I explained as I hugged the pillow to my chest. I could tell he was thinking something, but I felt like it was something that only he would want to keep to himself.

Call Sign: Phoenix (Clark Kent x OC) Winter's Children BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now