14. Home sweet home

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to go poke the bear, force him to make me some coffee," I announced as he pulled his mask back down.

"Give me ten and I'll be out there."

His hand ran down and squeeze my butt before I slapped it away, taking joy in his devilish snicker before I walked down the hall and out to the living room. Delilah was long gone for the day, back to her day job outside of her witchy ways and Thomas was still fast asleep on the couch, a blanket draped over his back while his face was buried in one of the pillows. The last time I'd seen him he was terrified, shaking like a chihuahua and his whole world had been falling in around him. I got to see him and Jeff fighting like brothers over video games last night though and it made me so, so hopeful.

"Hey alien boy," I said quietly as I sat down in front of his face, his head lifting so that he could look at me, "how's your head feeling?"

"Better than I thought," he sniffed hard, blinking his empty sockets as he smiled warmly, "Chelsea still out cold?"

"Sleeping like a rock," I chuckled, "I'm glad you and her talked things out. She looks a lot better than when I last saw her."

"I'll admit it took a little bit of convincing," he grumbled as he hoisted himself up, "Kitty...I'm so sorry—"

"Can it," I held a hand up and he looked surprised as I smiled, "you made amends with the person you hurt the most in all this and it definitely wasn't me. Yeah, you might've given me some brain damage, but I forgave you for that the night we left. You proved last night you were serious about what you said. I'm real proud of you."

Mixed emotions filled his expression as I got to my feet, brushing off my leggings and offering him a hand before he stood to join me. Thomas pulled me into a hug and I set my head on his shoulder, glad that after all this time the whispers weren't screaming at me anymore to gut him. Thomas was no longer a threat and it assured me even further that I'd made the right choice, placing my faith in him.

"You owe me coffee though, with cream and sugar."

"I almost forgot how much of a bitch you are in the morning," he tipped his head back to howl and I stomped on his foot, watching him hop around for a second while he swore at me and I crossed my arms in triumph. Thomas flipped me off but there was a soft smile on his face that told me all the bad blood between us was finally said and done.

Jeff did finally emerge after I'd gotten my coffee and I sipped at it with a smug upturn of my lips, watching him shove Thomas out of the way before he flipped him off, a snicker on both their faces while Jeff got his own cup and sat down with me at the counter. Chelsea came out a few minutes later wearing a pair of my leggings and the sweater she'd had last night, her hair stuck up and fuzzy while she rubbed at her eyes. Thomas's face softened and I realized there might've been more between them than I initially thought; I raised an eyebrow to Jeff as I nodded at them and he shrugged.

"Oh, we need to make a stop today," he said suddenly as he reached up to tie his hair back, "I promised someone I'd visit once we had you back home."

"Speaking of promises, we also promised someone else we'd give her a call once we found Kitty," Thomas suggested and the man next to me made a noise of agreement as he pulled out something I never thought I'd see again.

"Holy shit, is that my old phone?" I laughed, taking it as he handed it over. My fingerprint still read easily and instead of the usual background of pictures with friends it had been changed to a photo of myself, my makeup done and my smile wide as I flashed a peace sign at the camera. He'd changed it to see me while he had it. My heart shuddered in my chest before I realized there was something going on around me.

"—let me get the number," Chelsea agreed to something before I handed her my phone and I listened to the ringtone as Thomas moved to stand with us while the line buzzed.

"Um, hello?" I recognized her voice instantly and tears pricked the corners of my eyes.

"Nina?!" I smiled wide as I listened to the tiny gasp on the other end of the line.

"Kitty?!" She squealed incredulously, "oh my God, they did it! Tom and Jeff found you!"

"They did, thank you for helping me get the message through," I wiped at my face while I listened to her, "I miss you so much Nina-Bean, how are you?"

"I'm at school right now actually, but it's lunch so I can talk," she explained, "can I video call you?"

"Sure, why the hell not."

I propped the phone up against my mug as I flipped it on its side, Nina's face appearing suddenly as the four of us crowded in to see her. She was still wearing that bright red bow and she looked a little older, her face slimmed out, just a touch. She clutched a hand over her mouth as we all grinned and waved at her, her brilliant blue eyes absolutely sparkling. She snapped to the side though and waved someone over, Chris entering the frame before he sat down next to her with a smile.

"Holy crap, Kitty?!"

"The one and only," I chimed with a massive grin, "I take it my boys made it there just fine."

"Just fine and then some," Nina cackled as she handed Chris an earbud, "you look so good! I was so worried you were homeless out on the streets or something."

"No, Liu was with me the whole time, but watching me is like trying to herd cats. It doesn't work."

"Obviously," Nina giggled, "happy birthday! I'm so glad I can finally thank you for the presents you left me, I wear the dress every chance I get."

"I figured you'd like it with the weather down there. Is that cunt Claudia still bothering you?"

"No, Jeff and Tom took care of that one," Chris laughed to himself, "hey Neens, the bell's about to ring."

"Dammit, okay," she sighed, "I'm so happy to finally see all of you. Come back down here soon please, I'm desperate for any type of action."

"We'll make it top priority to come visit as soon as we can," Jeff reassured her, "remember what I told you?"

"Always keep my knife on me, never be afraid to fight dirty, and don't let any nasty bitch walk over me like a doormat."

"That's my mini-monster. We'll call you soon, this is Chelsea's number so save it, okay?"

"I will," she choked up as she smiled at me again, "I love you so much Kitty. I listened to your voicemail every day for months after you disappeared. Leave some more for me, will you?"

"I will. I love you too Nina."

I let out a deep breath as the call ended, holding my hand over my heart as it slammed against my ribs. I listened to your voicemail every day for months. Everything in me wanted to scream hallelujah to the horizons but a tear rolled down my cheek instead before I finally broke down. Everyone I'd tried so desperately to protect was still here, still waiting for me. Jeff said my name in a panic and I laughed, Chelsea's arms wrapping around my shoulders while I held onto her as tight as I could while I sobbed like a baby. Everything was finally hitting me and I was so goddamned happy.

"I'm never leaving you behind again," I finally choked out, my smile hurting my face while I grinned, "I'm so happy to be home."

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