105 - Hitoshi Shinsou

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I think too much, I'm outta touch, it's true

Hitoshi Shinsou couldn't believe he was here again. At the hospital. Walking up to the room in which his sister was supposed to wake up from her coma. How did she always end up in the hospital? It was completely beyond him. It had gotten out of hand the first time he had picked her up from the hospital.

To say he wasn't happy was an understatement. How the hell had she managed to get herself into a coma in the first place? He was sure that it had been one of her stupid, reckless ideas again that had gotten her into this situation. Sometimes he wondered if there maybe had been some mistake with their paperwork and if he wasn't supposed to be the older sibling.

And then when he had finally found the right room and saw Aizawa sitting there at her bedside, his blood started boiling. Now, Hitoshi loved Aizawa - he was great as a professor and he had a lot to thank him for. But Kaori always got in trouble when Aizawa was involved as well. That on top of her already risking everything because she was sleeping with him just short circuited Hitoshi's brain.

"What are you doing here?" he asked coldly as he stepped inside the room. He was sitting there, holding her hand as if there was no one who could see them like this. Aizawa turned around, his eyes looking more tired than usual.

"Hitoshi. I'm waiting for her to wake up, I... they said it wouldn't take long hopefully, but it's been 15 hours already and..." he muttered, a look of desperation on his face. Hitoshi thought he didn't hear that right. 15 hours? Was... was that the reason he looked so much more tired than usual?

"Hang on, hang on... are you saying you've been sitting here for 15 hours?" Hitoshi wanted to know.

"Of... of course. I have to make sure she's okay, I... I have to make sure she wakes up and she's not alone when she does..." he replied, as if not waiting around was something he hadn't even considered. When Hitoshi had first seen Aizawa here, he wanted to be mad at him, he wanted to be really angry, but right now it was difficult, because... well, maybe... maybe he really did care about Kaori...

"You... you really do care about my sister, don't you? I... I know you have a thing going on and what not, but... you really like her..." Hitoshi muttered, looking back at him. He looked so desperate for her to wake up, it almost broke Hitoshi's heart more than seeing his sister in the hospital bed like that.

"Of course I do, Hitoshi. I wouldn't risk my job for someone I didn't care about. And I... I'm sorry you found out the way you did, but... well... it's not like we can go around telling people about... us..." Aizawa replied. Hitoshi looked at him in astonishment. He had always liked Mr. Aizawa, but... right now, he just liked him even more. Maybe it was just a coincidence that Kaori always got hurt when he was around. After all she was around him more than she wasn't.

"I know, I know, I get it... I just... until now I wasn't sure if you were serious about her and all, I mean... you know?" Hitoshi tried to explain. He didn't even know how to say that to him. This was getting awkward.

"It's alright. Come on, sit down. She'll be happy to see you when she wakes up." Aizawa replied.

"Are there... any signs she'll wake up soon?" Hitoshi wanted to know as he pulled up a chair for himself next to Aizawa. His eyes were fixed on Aizawa's thumb slowly rubbing over Kaori's hand.

"She's been moving a little bit earlier and she had her eyes open for a few seconds, too, but she went back to sleep. She's been out for three days, so that's apparently normal." Aizawa replied, just as she stirred again, turning towards them, her eyes fluttering open. She squinted at them, before closing her eyes again and squeezing Aizawa's hand. Hitoshi felt tears coming up in his eyes.

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