59 - Aizawa

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I'm a subject of a nightmare

Shouta Aizawa was completely wrecked. He would never admit to that, though. The remedial classes went on until 2 in the morning and then he had to go over the training plan with Kan and it just robbed him of his last nerve. Of course, Kan had gotten some sleep while he was teaching the remedial class.

He supposed it was only fair, since the remedial class was mostly made up of his students (a fact that never failed to make Aizawa feel embarrassed). He was still jealous about the sleep that Kan got (and he didn't). And he was getting really annoyed about Kan parading his students around like they could do no wrong.

It wasn't like they had done something wrong. And he knew very well that his students were the real troublemakers here. But would he really be a good course coordinator if he didn't feel at least a little competitive about his students doing well? And if he was being honest, he felt very competitive about that.

And where the hell was Kaori? He had seen her around for breakfast, barely able to keep an eye open, but she should really have been here by now. There was something in the air and it made him uneasy and he didn't like not having Kaori with him. He didn't like it at all, she was supposed to be here. And of course Kan was there with a big grin on his face, rubbing it in.

"Your TA fall asleep on the breakfast table?" he asked. It took everything for Aizawa not to grit his teeth and snap at him. He had been in a perpetual bad mood since they had arrived and this wasn't helping.

"She's probably just running a little late. Nothing to be concerned about. Did you give your TA the day off?" Aizawa replied. Kan just shrugged.

"Boy's back at the house working out some grades for me. Honestly, though, you might wanna check on that girl, she looked like death this morning. What did you do during those remedial classes? Or did you work her too hard after?" he asked with another grin and a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows. Aizawa was ready to punch him square in the face at this point.

"You might want to be careful with making accusations like that, if you have no evidence to back them up. It'll only hurt your reputation." he said in an indifferent tone. He knew he couldn't let him get to him. And a lot of the professors made jokes like that on the regular. It wasn't really anything too out of the ordinary.

"Oh, come on, Aizawa. We all see the way you look at her. And the way she looks at you. You can't tell me, there's nothing." Kan insisted.

"Well, that's too bad, because that's what I'm telling you. There's nothing. Now if that's all..." Aizawa mumbled. Kan shrugged.

"Sure. Be like that. Not like I'm gonna snitch or anything." he replied.

"Because there's nothing to snitch about." Aizawa muttered under his breath, not sure if Kan had heard it as he was walking away.

"Mr. Aizawa! I am so sorry! I was ready to leave on time, but Natsuo needed some help with the grading or something... Anyway, I'm here now, what did I miss?" he heard a voice from behind him. He turned around and saw Kaori standing there, slightly bent over, hands resting on her knees, her face flushed red and panting heavily. There was a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. What a sight.

"You didn't miss much. You wanna take a little break before we start training?" Aizawa asked her. She nodded and got back up on her feet again to stand next to him, looking over the first years that were already busy with their own training. Too bad, Aizawa had enjoyed seeing her like that.

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