75 - Shinsou

326 21 25

Can you taste my lust?

Kaori was sitting on the armchair in the living room with her legs crossed. She still felt just a tiny bit sore. Not enough to make anything uncomfortable, just a tiny bit of a peculiar sensation that pleasantly reminded her of last night. She was a little worried about not really hearing anything from Shouta. There was a single message he had sent him earlier today and she had no idea what to make of it.

>>No problem about the shirt. Things have taken an unexpected turn. Will talk to you soon.<<

Well, Kaori sure wasn't going to complain, even if this whole thing would turn out to just be a one night stand. At least, she kept telling herself that. Deep down, she knew that she would be devastated for a good while, especially because she would be seeing him at work all the time, but for now she tried to suppress that thought.

She glanced over at Hitoshi and Kaminari who were cuddled up on the couch with a huge blanket, even though it was searing hot outside (and also inside, since they lived in a rooftop apartment). They had both called it platonic cuddling. As if. Kaori knew they both had the hots for each other. But she wasn't going to say anything. After all, these things were usually better, if they developed naturally. Platonic cuddling, my ass. She had seen the looks Kaminari was giving her brother.

Other than being both amused and slightly annoyed at their bullshit, she was pretty happy with their choice of entertainment, since they had just put Buzzfeed Unsolved on loop and there was a continuous stream of information about gruesome murders. Nothing brings people together more than murder.

It was just as Kaori was thinking about whether to get a cup of coffee or not, that the doorbell rang. All three of them looked up and glanced around suspiciously. It was 8 in the evening. Who would call around at that time?

"Well? Are you going to get that or not?" Hitoshi asked after a while. Kaori raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why me? You're the man in the house." she replied. Maybe watching all these documentaries had done more bad than good.

"Pfft, since when? You got this, Kaori, I believe in you." he said. The doorbell rang again. Whoever that was, was persistent.

"Fine, fine, fine. I hope you'll blame yourself for the rest of your life, if I get fucking murdered." she answered and got up from the armchair. Kaminari sat up and cleared his throat.

"Uhm... I can go if you're actually worried..." he mumbled. Kaori smiled. How cute. He clearly didn't have too much of an idea of how the relationship between her and Hitoshi worked.

"Nah, don't worry, Kami. This isn't about being scared, this is more about being lazy. I'll be fine." she told him, as she put on her shoes to make her way downstairs. She peaked in through the door one last time before she went outside.

"But if I get murdered, I'm blaming you, Toshi." she said and then let the door fall shut. She got the keys out of her pocket, as she quickly made her way downstairs, taking two steps at a time.

By the time she had made it downstairs, she was out of breath from hurrying down. But who knew who that was. Ringing the doorbell twice that late? Definitely not Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons. Maybe Hitoshi and Kaminari had ordered some food and forgotten about it? Kaori wouldn't have put it beyond them, honestly. She took a deep breath, before opening the door.

"I'm so sorry for taking so long, I- Shouta?!"

Kaori had started talking, before she had even checked who was there in the first place. She definitely hadn't expected her professor to show up on her doorstep. Text or call maybe? Yeah, she had expected that. But this? She wasn't sure what to make of it. Was she supposed to ask him inside? How did this work?

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