125 - Shinsou

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Can't you feel the fear that I'm feeling today?

Kaori Shinsou hadn't really been aware of falling asleep on the couch in the common room. She had no recollection of getting here even. The last thing she remembered was finishing up a late night at work with Shouta and falling asleep in the car. She had no idea what day it even was.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Shouta sitting on the couch opposite her, hunched over some sort of paperwork. Probably some test he was grading. And by the look on his face he wasn't too impressed. Kaori smiled to herself and decided to keep watching him as long as he thought she was asleep.

He had a cup of coffee standing next to all the papers and Kaori just knew that it was getting cold. Shouta had probably forgotten about it, he usually did that. There was also that one strand of hair that kept falling in his face. When he was at home, Shouta usually kept it out of his face with a hairclip, but something about being in public made it impossible for him to do that at school.

Kaori heard some noise coming from the kitchen. So there were other people up as well? Too bad. She was starting to remember that Shouta had woken her up last night when they had finally made it back to UA. She had been planning to go back to her own dorm room, but 1-A was much closer, so she must have simply decided to head in there and sleep on one of the couches.

But then where did she get that blanket from? Someone must have gotten one for her. She wondered whether it was Shouta, but Kaori highly doubted that. He wouldn't just carry a blanket around just in case someone was sleeping on the couch of the 1-A dorm room. And why was he here in the first place?

He never came to the students' dorms to grade papers. He always preferred to have his peace and quiet for that and the common area in the dorms was the exact opposite of peace and quiet. On most days at least. So there had to be a reason for him to be here of all places.

"Oh, Kao-chan's awake!" a high-pitched voice said loudly. Shouta looked up from his papers and smiled at her quickly, before the stern look returned to his face. He glanced over at Eri who was carrying a big glass of orange juice. Midoriya was following behind her with two plates in his hand, a bunch of cookies on both of them. He was smiling widely at Kaori and Eri.

"Oh, good morning, Shinsou!" he said. Kaori smiled and sat up slowly. Her bones hurt from sleeping in an awkward position.

"Morning, Midoriya. Hey, Eri. Morning, Sh- Mr. Aizawa. What are you all doing here?" she asked and yawned.

"I think the real question is what you're doing here, Shinsou. This isn't your dorm." Shouta replied and raised his eyebrow. Kaori sighed and stretched her arms, hearing a small crack from her back.

"Yeah, I don't know. I guess, I was just so tired last night after work that I didn't make it back to my own dorm and figured sleeping here was a better idea." she replied and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, before sitting up and surveying the table. There were papers all over the place and a few cups. Kaori could hear her stomach growling, when her eyes fell on the cookies.

"Sorry, Shinsou, I would have gotten you some food and something to drink, too. I just didn't know you were up already!" Midoriya said, nervously scratching the back of his head. Kaori smiled.

"It's fine, I'll get myself something in a bit. I just need to wake up properly first." she answered.

"You really shouldn't just sleep on the couch like that. You were freezing cold when Eri and I found you this morning. You could at least have gotten a blanket or something, I'm sure someone was up at that time." Shouta scolded her with a serious look on his face. Kaori chuckled. She knew he was just worried about her, but he couldn't really show it in front of other students.

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