29 - Shinsou

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Oh, are we really born free?

Kaori Shinsou wasn't sure what she was supposed to take away from this day. A whole lot had happened. It had started with her spilling coffee all over herself. She almost had fallen asleep in Ishiyama's course again, but thankfully he didn't notice this time (even though he made a remark about her coffee-stained blouse). Then, during lunch, Nishiyama had been making snarky comments at her constantly.

Kaori was trying to look for Hitoshi, but he was nowhere to be seen. She wondered if he had even gone to school. It was also during lunch that she had gotten that weirdass email from Aizawa. It really bugged her that he just wouldn't talk to her anymore. The only communication they had was via email. And even that was minimal. He only ever sent an email when there was something important now.

And now he wanted her to meet with Tsukauchi during office hours? What did Tsukauchi want from her? Kaori had hoped that she might hear something about it either before or after the Criminal Psychology class, but nothing. Everything was as usual, except for Aizawa completely ignoring her. It was starting to really piss her off how he was ignoring her all the time.

The rest of the day went by and Kaori figured it would be a good idea to see if she could borrow a blouse or a shirt from someone else. The thing was that only Takami was still on campus. Through some miracle of fate today was the single day in his whole life he was actually wearing a dress shirt. So they had met in the library and changed shirts. The good thing about Takami was that he just didn't give a shit.

So it didn't bother him walking around in Kaori's coffee stained blouse (which honestly looked ridiculous on him, because it was a woman's blouse and it was way too small for him). Kaori was pretty happy with this exchange. Takami's shirt was far from spotless, but there were barely any visible stains on it. At least she wouldn't look like an idiot in front of Tsukauchi.

After the exchange had happened, Kaori had decided to take a bit of a nap in the library, before continuing to study. She had a good bit of time until she had to go to her little chat with Tsukauchi.

She hadn't realised, however, how tired she was and was thankfully woken up by the librarian who shushed her out of the library, because they were closing. Which was just in time, because she really should have been at that meeting already. On the way to the classroom, she was quickly checking her texts and apparently Takami had ended up in detention. Whether that was for walking around campus shirtless or in her blouse was a little unclear and she had no time to ask.

And then Tsukauchi had asked her - the walking, talking mess that she was - whether she wanted to join the National Police Department for her work studies. What a question was that even. Anyone who'd say no to that opportunity was basically committing professional suicide.

And the whole interaction with Aizawa after that - it had been kind of awkward, but... she was glad that they were talking again and that she knew what had happened. She was still pissed about those rumours (which clearly came from Nishiyama, let's be honest here). But at least she was going to the summer camp with her hot professor and Nishiyama was... well, not.

Kaori opened the door to her home. Thankfully, it had been later in the evening when she was on her way home, so the sun wasn't beating down as mercilessly anymore. Today had been an insanely hot day. Maybe she should take the time and head to the U.A. pool one of these days. If the weather stayed as good as this, then maybe a nice refreshing swim would be worth enduring the crowded pool.

"Toshi, are you home?" Kaori shouted, as she dropped her bag on the kitchen chair. First of all, she needed coffee. She got the kettle and filled it up with water, before starting to clean out the french press.

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