96 - Aizawa

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I promised myself not to slip back into old habit

Shouta Aizawa thought he was seeing ghosts when he looked out of his window and Kaori was standing there. When he heard the knock he kind of thought it was a bunch of first years, being dumb students doing dumb things. But then with the rain and thunder he figured, he better take a look.

And there she was, wearing a thin sweater and no jacket, completely soaked and shivering. He got up quickly, walking over to the window and opening it. She definitely couldn't stay out there, she'd get herself killed.

"Kaori, what are you doing here? It's the middle of the night! God, you're shivering. Fuck, climb inside, your lips are blue. What are you doing?" he asked and quickly ushered her in, helping her to climb inside.

"I w-went f-for a w-w-walk b-because I c-c-c-couldn't sleep..." she replied, her teeth chattering from the cold. Her lips had turned blue already. Aizawa shook his head in disbelief.

"Wait here, I'll get you a towel." he said and went over to one of his shelves, grabbing two of the towels. There was another loud thunder, it was pretty close from the sound of it. He saw Kaori wincing noticeably and let out a small whine. Was she... scared of thunder? Aizawa smiled. That was adorable.

He went back to her and wrapped one of the towels around her shoulders and continued to rub her hair dry with the other one. She just looked up at him with her dark eyes, raindrops falling from her lashes, not saying anything. Aizawa took a moment to just look into her eyes and appreciate the way she looked at him, grateful, a little embarrassed, a little scared. His heart melted.

"I'm s-sorry..." she said quietly. Aizawa smiled at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, just as there was more thunder. She winced in his arms at the loud noise and he held her closer, kissing the top of her head.

"Ssh, it's alright. I'm here. You scared of thunder?" he asked her in a soothing voice. She looked up at him and nodded.

"A... a little..." she muttered.

"Hey, it's okay, it's alright. No reason to be ashamed. You can stay here with me, okay?" he offered. It was probably a terrible idea to offer that, but to hell with it. There was no way he could send that girl back outside with that kind of rain lashing down and her already soaked through.

"T-thank you..." she replied, pulling the towel closer around her shoulders. Aizawa mustered her. There was no way around it.

"Look, you have to get out of those wet clothes. You'll get pneumonia, if you stay in them. You can borrow any of my clothes for now, alright? I'll go and get you a cup of tea in the meantime." he told her and was about to make his way to the door, when she grabbed his wrist.

"Shou... I... can you stay w-with me?" Kaori wanted to know. Another lightning bolt and more thunder. Aizawa smiled.

"I'll be back in a second. Don't worry, okay? You're safe here. I'll get you something warm to drink and will be right back." he said. She bit her lip and then nodded quickly, before letting go of his wrist.

Aizawa quickly left his dorm room and made his way over to the tea kitchen. He really wanted to get this done quickly, not wanting to leave Kaori alone there for too long. And he also couldn't wait to see her in one of his shirts again, way too big on her. She looked fucking sexy in them.

The water for the tea honestly couldn't boil fast enough. He drummed his fingers on the countertop, waiting for it to finally be done. He already had a cup with a tea bag ready, all he needed was the stupid hot water and... another loud thunder. Poor Kaori. He wondered whether there was a little more to that walk she had taken, than just her not being able to sleep.

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