23 - Aizawa

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All these small things they gather round me

Shouta Aizawa had no idea why he was staying in the hospital waiting for her to wake up. He could have gone home and caught up on sleep. He could have gone and finished his report for Tsukauchi. Hell, he could have done anything, but he decided to stay in the hospital watching Kaori Shinsou, as she was lying still in a hospital bed, flinching and moving slightly at times.

She wasn't knocked out cold, it was more that she had completely passed out from exhaustion and shock and in general a combination of things. The nurses had said her shoulder was badly bruised, but apart from that she was fine - just exhausted. They had put her on a drip and wheeled her into a small room where she could get the sleep she had been missing out on.

He had been sitting here while having a talk with Tsukauchi, giving him a short rundown of his version on how the evening went. They definitely had to do something about the students being involved in this whole thing. They didn't have any sort of license yet, so this whole affair could easily have really bad consequences for them. And no one wanted that. From what Aizawa heard they were currently working something out with Kenji Tsuragamae, the Hosu chief of police.

Aizawa looked back at Shinsou, lying there, her face pale, dark, dark circles under her eyes, stumbling towards him. He had just about caught her before she hit the ground. Her insomnia seemed to be really bad. The only times she seemed to get some form of sleep lately was when she was getting knocked out by some serious criminals. Or when she was sleeping in Ishiyama's class.

Maybe he should let her get more detention, just so he could tell her to get some sleep. Then again that plan might backfire, since he wasn't always in charge of the detention class. They rotated the professors on that one. Someone else might make her do actual work and Aizawa wanted to avoid that. Shinsou was going to work herself to death some day if no one stopped her.

At least for now she was asleep. She had woken up shortly after she collapsed, but had quickly gone back to sleep, so thankfully no one was too worried about her. She looked quite peaceful the way she was right now, breathing calmly and steadily, her braid all messy and her face regaining some colour.

Just as Aizawa's mind drifted off into the dangerous territory of thinking just how beautiful Kaori Shinsou was, her eyelids fluttered open. She looked at the ceiling with a frown, her eyes showing obvious confusion, before she groaned quietly and slowly sat up. She yawned and then looked around the room until her dark eyes rested on Aizawa. She smiled, but there was a hint of nervousness in her smile.

"Morning, Shinsou." he said.

"Hi, prof." she answered and sat up fully, stretching her arms and looking down on herself. She was still in her uniform, since no one had really bothered to get her changed into something more comfortable.

"What happened? Why am I in the hospital again?" she wanted to know, after she had looked around the room a little longer.

"Nothing bad. You just collapsed. Passed out due to exhaustion. You got a good few hours of sleep." Aizawa explained. Her eyes looked sleepy again, as she was massaging her shoulders, quickly stopping when she got to her left shoulder, twisting her face in pain and hissing under her breath.

"Your shoulder got bruised up pretty bad. Nothing's broken, though. It should be fine again in a couple of days. You better take a break from work for a while, though. You really have to take a break." he said.

"Right. I suppose, now that Stain's caught, there is time for a break. He... he is caught, right? I think I remember him collapsing?" Shinsou replied. Aizawa nodded quickly. Thankfully, the whole Stain case more or less sorted itself out.

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