86 - Himiko Toga

224 11 14

We'll be together, yes forever, we will never ever part

She would get close to him. She would, no matter the cost. She had to have him. She had to have him completely under her control, see how nicely he was bleeding, taste his blood. She blushed with excitement as she was thinking about it.

Of course, there were a few obstacles and they weren't exactly small ones. The main thing being this one girl in his class that seemed to be obsessed with him. Her name was Ochako Uraraka and it almost seemed like he liked her, too. Of course, he was only being nice to her, anyone could see that.

The other obstacle was that, well, he didn't know of her yet. But that would be easy to overcome. The only reason he didn't know her yet, was because she had to play her cards right. He was such a goody-two shoes, Himiko knew she'd have to put up a pretense to get close to him.

She had to carefully lure him in, otherwise the whole thing could fall through. He couldn't find out that she was with the League until she had him completely under her spell. Until he was completely and utterly in love with her and she with him and everything would be perfect and all this League business wouldn't even matter anymore.

Himiko giggled to herself, as she thought of her plan and tried to find his face in the midst of all the people doing the licensing exam. It had been a hassle to get here and inside the facility completely undetected, but it would be worth it. She knew that it would be worth it, just to get close to him.

If only she could find him! How difficult could it be to find a small, cute little boy with freckles and big puppy eyes? Especially with that curly hair of his. It stood out so much any other day, what was going on? Why couldn't she spot him now? Ugh, this was frustrating. Such a nuisance.

There were so many people here that were trying to be in the way of their love. She had to get through to a different round with less people, so she could actually make a move on him. Himiko sighed.

It was all so much easier when she had been watching him at night, or during the Kamino incident. She would get him. He would be all hers one day and they could enjoy their love until she finally became him - like an ultimate sign of their love. It would be forever, infinite, eternal...

Sure, people died all the time. Bodies died and decayed. But Himiko had thought of that. Oh, she had thought of everything. And it would be perfect, as long as she didn't mess up along the way.

She would have him live on with her forever. Sure, she'd have to kill him first, but that was a small price to pay. She would be able to taste his blood, to drink it and then he'd be forever with her. He'd visit her in her dreams after she'd kill him. All the boys she loved did that and it was always so, so nice.

Himiko felt herself getting giddy just thinking about it. She had to mentally scold herself to snap back into reality and focus on finding him. Why was this all so distracting? Was it because she was finally getting so close to him? Himiko couldn't deny that she was feeling a certain... nervousness.

And then she saw him. He was hiding out in some area that was supposed to simulate a mountainside. Cute puppy eyes. Freckles all over his face. And the curly, messy hair. Himiko smiled to herself. She had found him.

Izuku Midoriya.

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