100 - Aizawa

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Why can't we speak at night?

Shouta Aizawa was doing his rounds on campus. They had gotten the notification on when the raid was going to take place. There wasn't too much time to prepare, but everyone that was involved in it was on high alert right now and trying to get some extra training in. He just hoped they wouldn't overwork themselves before the actual raid. That would be counterproductive.

He had seen Kaori train way more since the meeting. She'd usually get to the gym late in the evening when most people were already leaving to run a few rounds and then practice her kickboxing all on her own. Sometimes Aizawa stopped by and watched her through the window.

He kept telling himself that he'd do all he could do to keep her out of trouble, but he knew that that very likely wasn't up to him. It was up to whoever was leading the operation and Aizawa trusted none of them. But if there was any way to keep her out of harm's way, he would take it.

He had made sure to keep up with his own training as well. He had kind of let it slide a little the last few weeks. Ever since the summer camp, actually. But he knew he couldn't afford that. He was 31 - and with the way things were going they'd be working him in this job until the bitter end.

He was passing the gym again and the lights were still on. Was Kaori still in there, training? They had to get started early tomorrow morning... she should be in bed and at least try to sleep. He knew she had incredible trouble sleeping, but... couldn't she try? Before such an important operation?

Aizawa stepped up to the window and looked inside. Yes, there she was, tight yoga pants and a sports bra, hair tied back into a ponytail that had gotten messy from all the movement, her skin glistening from the sweat, as she was delivering strong punches and kicks to a punching bag.

Aizawa sighed. She was too damn beautiful for her own good. And she was way too stubborn. This girl needed to go to bed. They were doing a raid in the morning, she couldn't be tired for that. She needed an intervention and if he had to drag her off to bed himself. Not that he would mind.

He walked around to the entrance to the gym. At this time of the night only the emergency lighting was on in the hallways, which gave the entire place an eerie atmosphere. It was also almost completely quiet, except for the humming of the lights and the heating and the distant thumping of Kaori's fists on the punching back. As calming as that sound was, Aizawa had to go and stop her.

He made his way through the changing rooms and quietly walked inside the gym. Kaori hadn't noticed him yet, as she was pretty focussed on what she was doing. The strength with which she was hitting that bag was impressive, so he really had little reason to be more concerned about her than anyone else there, but... losing her in this operation just wasn't an option.

He hadn't really thought much about it at this stage, but... now that it was a much more tangible possibility, the thought of never seeing Kaori Shinsou again... he didn't like it. At all. It made him feel feelings. And maybe he just wasn't ready to admit it to himself openly yet, but somewhere buried deep down he knew that he loved this girl. And maybe he could only ever admit it to himself at 3 am and after a whole lot of beers, but... nothing could happen to her tomorrow.

Of course she also had to turn around and spot him, while he was deep in thought like that. He quickly pushed all those thoughts to the back of his mind and focussed on her little gasp as she saw him. Her lips curled into a small smile quickly after, as she stopped laying into the punching bag.

"How long have you been standing there?" she wanted to know. Aizawa smirked a little and pushed himself off the wall.

"How long have you been training today?" he countered. She gave him this weird look that let him know that she knew what he was trying to say, but she couldn't give a damn and he better mind his own business. As if he'd ever do that when it came to her. She should really know better.

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