My people skills are rusty

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Waiting anxiously at the airport to pick up her cousin and Damian was the most stressful thing Lian has ever done.

She managed to get into an argument with a Karen for sitting in a seat she looked at, which made no sense at all. "How dare you sit in that seat?! I looked at it from over there, you knew I would be sitting here!" She yelled at lian who was currently trying to restrain herself.

"Lady I don't know who you are? How was I supposed to know you were going to sit here, it was an available seat so I sat down" this didn't help at all and she continued to yell.

"Jesus ok I'll move just do everyone here a favor and shut up, we're all tired and some people jet lagged and I'm pretty sure they don't want to hear you nagging this early in the morning!" Lian stood to get up only to have the woman push her back down "don't you move! You sit right there whilst I call security and let them know how you're disrupting everyone" she looked around for someone before walking off.

Lian saw Damian and Aria walking towards and she ran to them "hey" she hugged the both, "how was the honeymoon?" Lian questioned "Great" Damian responded "I missed the noise" Aria sighed.

"Hey! Where'd she go? I told her to stay right there!" The Karen yelled, Lian quickly nudged the couple into another direction, they shot her questioning looks "let's just say my people skills are rusty"

Finally making it back to their apartment the couple let out a sigh of relief along with Lian who was glad she didn't have to explain shrunken clothes to anyone else.

"Mom!" Damon yelled rushing to hug Aria "daddy!" Liv squealed hugging Damian, then switching to hug their other parent.

"Hey guys, you've been good right?" Aria asked her mom side acting up "yep, we loved it" Damon told her, Liv nodding eagerly agreeing with him.

"So how was everything? Did you finish the list?" Aria asked lying down on the couch her hand resting on her protruding stomach.

"It was great, amazing, easy, I'm never doing laundry again but I did finish the list, and I got a job" she told them.

"You did?" Damian asked intrigued Lian had a smug look on her face which never ended well for anybody.

She hummed in response "doing what?" Aria asked "I'm a history teacher at Gotham Academy" her smirk widening somehow.

"But wasn't Mr Anderson the history teacher?" Damian asked "correction he was the history teacher now he's unemployed with a broken leg" Lian emphasized.

"What exactly happened whilst we were gone?" Aria asked, just before Lian could respond there was a knock on the door.

"I got it!" Liv ran to the door opening it to be met with the Allen's, the Kent's and a West.

"Hey we heard you were coming back today, so we thought we'd drop in" Irey spoke rushing to hug the pair the others joining them.

After everyone sat down Aria asked again "so what exactly happened while we were gone?"

Lian kept on smiling to herself "ok can someone hurry up and explain her smile is scaring me" Aria said playfully.

"It was a dark and stormy night..." she began dramatically "actually it was sunny out, and 6pm" Bart told her, "hush child, I'm telling the story" she motioned putting a finger to her lips.

20 minutes later....
"So after he dissed our kids, he told me I was unfit to be a mother, and I wasn't gonna let him win, so I was gonna you know smack him one, but Jon-" she sent him a pointed look "wouldn't let me" she continued.

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