You're too old for teen drama so get it together

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"Are we seriously doing this?" Lian asked Aria as they dragged Skylar out of the cave, "no I don't want to talk to him" she complained to which Aria looked at her "mom please, I went so long without my parents together and I don't want the same for Mason, how do you think this is affecting him?" She knew it was a low blow but she had to at least get them in the same room.

"Can you atleast just get in a room with them for 5 minutes please? If not for dad then for me and Mase" she pleaded with her and she could see the conflict in her eyes, "fine" she sighed reluctantly following the two younger girls.

The state of her father and uncle was one she had seen many times in her life, mostly when they were in a funk or in Jason's case had a talk with Bruce.

"Oh god you smell" Lian held a hand up to her nose as Roy greeted her at the door. She spotted Jason not too far away in a similar state, "you smell worse and you look like hell" she told him, his hair was a mess and he had multiple cuts and bruises littered all over him.

"Daddy what happened are you okay?" Aria sat next to her father but not too close due to the heavy stench. "I'm fine, just got distracted" his eyes hesitantly met Skylar who looked mildly concerned.

"Okay I found a solution to one of the problems" Lian held up air freshener dousing it all over Roy and Jason. "There we go, that's one problem out of the way" making her way onto the love seat.

"Mom please sit come on" Aria sat her down but she scooted slightly away from Jason, Roy sat on the other side of him.

"Whatever the hell this is needs to get sorted out because Mason hasn't been home since this all went down" the trio looked all had looks of guilt on their faces "don't worry he's fine, he's been crashing with Mari" Aria told them worried about her little brother.

"What happened?" Lian asked and they all began at once "ah ba ba shhhhh, here you can talk only when you're holding the gun" Aria pulled out the gun from under the couch she was sat on.

She handed it to Skylar who began "he cheated on me with Roy" she glared accusingly at Jason "I.." Jason tried to defend but got cut off by Aria "are you holding the gun?" He shook his head "then don't talk, wait your turn" he sighed turning away.

"Back then it was different things were different, I thought I lost you to Roy and that hurt even more because he was brother, at once I lost the both of you but that didn't stop people from saying I was being over dramatic, I didn't do anything wrong yet somehow I ended up as the bad guy all of a sudden all these doubts started coming into my head about how you didn't love me anymore oh and the icing on the cake I found out I was pregnant and I could tell him because I thought you were leaving me!" She threw the gun back to me.

"Careful mom the safety's not on" She quickly flicked the switch, "okay that's how mom feels who would like to go next" Jason held his hand out waiting for the gun and just as it touched his hand he began sprouting an apology.

"Skylar baby I'm so sorry, I didn't know how much I hurt you, trust me since you've been gone I've been a total wreck without you. Do you see the state of me? At one point I just let the crooks beat me cause I thought I deserved it, it's been hell without you and I wanna do whatever it takes for you to forgive me but please come back to me, please"  he held onto her hands shocking everyone when his voice cracked and he started begging. Something you'll never see Jason Todd do is get on his knees and beg but there he was in front of his wife begging for a second chance.

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