Why did i become a teacher again?

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You could say that the outcome was worth it but you could also say being hired to teach pubescent children was the equivalent to walking through hell.

Lian never realized being a teacher meant you actually had to teach people and deal with their problems. Honestly instead of teaching history it was like a therapy session every.single.day.

Literally it's either someone went through a break up, or their dog ran away, occasionally it would be about having to share food to which Lian could relate to on an emotional level.

Currently she was listening to a girl whine about how a guy doesn't want to go out with her "I mean there's nothing wrong with me is there?" She asked wiping some tears "no there isn't but the constant whining could go down" she tried to tell her nicely.

"But then why do the guys I like never like me" she cried "I understood that reference" lian pointed at her "I understood that one" some guy yelled in the back.

"What's his name?" lian sighed "Damon Wayne" Lians eyes shot open at the revelation "Damon Wayne? As in 6ft, dark hair, quarterback" she listed, this girl liked her son? there was no way this girl didn't know, Damon was out of the closet, everyone knew, judging by the looks everyone in the class were giving her.

"Yeah... he doesn't want to go out with me" lian resisted the urge to face palm "Emilia you do know that he's gay right?" Henry asked the obviously oblivious girl from the other side of the class. "I mean yeah, everyone does but that doesn't mean he can't want me" Lian was internally screaming, how dumb can this girl be?

"You know if a person is gay it's because they don't fancy the opposite gender, so yes it does me he doesn't want you, not because you aren't great... with whatever qualities you have but because they don't see you in that way romantically, sexually or just generally because you're of the opposite gender" she tried being nice to the student, key word TRIED.

"Well that's sexist" Emilia muttered "no it's not, if anything it's harassment from your side" lian pointed at the girl who scoffed "oh really? Ok then Henry" the boy looked up at his girlfriends mom.

"Yes Ms Harper" he responded "hypothetically speaking if a girl was lesbian, but you took an interest in her, and she said no because she doesn't prefer the opposite gender romantically would you continue to persist her or would you leave her alone?" She quizzed him.

"Well hypothetically speaking if I wasn't in a relationship, and she was les then I wouldn't, because it's her right to choose who she want to be with, so if she says no, just take the no and go" he answered thinking it over.

"Exactly it's part of our human rights to be able to express freely" she explained continuing "Human rights comprise of civil and political rights, such as the right to life, liberty and freedom of expression; and social, cultural and economic rights including the right to participate in culture, the right to food, and the right to work and receive an education. These were declared in 1948 and in 2010 there was the equality act which prevent discrimination to those with protected characteristics such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation." She let out a deep breath.

"So if he doesn't like you, deal with it and find someone else" Lian told the girl before turning to the class "and that concluded today's lesson on rights and harassment, read pages 45-70 because you'll have a not so surprise pop quiz tomorrow, and get out" she opened up the door just as the bells rang dismissing them for lunch.

"Whoo that was tiring as hell" she muttered to herself while standing up to herself lunch "why did I become a teacher again? Oh yeah... to spy on my kids" she reminded herself heading out the school to meet her cousin and Jon for lunch.

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